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" You came " he said breathlessly
" You called " Louis answered
" I'm sorry, I'm such a mess Louis " Harry talked in a low voice
" Well what can I say Harry ? You've always been a mess " Louis said in a sarcastic way
" You're right " , " can... can we please be back together, again ? " Harry lifted his head to look at Louis, he was sitting on the floor
" Why would I ? " Louis snapped
" I can't do this anymore, every time you fucked things up and you always come back running I'm not a fucking doll Harry, I'm not a bitch you go to when you feel lonely and you don't have someone to go to " he followed harshly
" You're right " Harry lowered his head shamefully, looking at the floor..
" I love you Louis I know you don't deserve me you deserve someone much better than me, I'm not good enough, but I really do love you and the past 10 months I tried so hard to move on but Louis I couldn't, I can't live without you "
" Oh please Harry "
" Lou babe just give me a chance " He bagged
" Shut up Harry don't you dare babe me " Louis shouted
Both of them stayed silent for couple of minutes until Harry broke the silence
" I... I tried to attempt Louis.. that's why I called you crying, begging you to come "
He sniffed while Louis stayed silent trying to take it in
" Why.. " all what he managed to say
" I had enough " , " I had enough from this fucked up life that I have " Harry now is on full sobbing
Louis moved closer, trying to think whether he should hug Harry or not, but he took a small step entering Harry's personal space, he fell down on his knees without thinking twice he wrapped his hands around Harry's frame taking him in a tight hug, fighting all the voices in his head who's telling him to let go of Harry
Harry's sobs only got louder as he felt Louis' hands around him
He kept mumbling " sorry " over and over again, Louis didn't know what to do, he was worried he " shushed " him rocking them to the sides gently
After 10 minutes Harry got calmer only tears falling down without making any sounds
" Harry let's go to sleep and we'll talk tomorrow okay ? " Louis told Harry
" No you'll leave " Harry managed to say with his raspy voice
" I won't, I'll stay the night " he said sweetly
Louis helped them to get up off the floor, an arm wrapped around Harry's waist
The corridor was dark he couldn't really see clearly so he walked them carefully making sure they won't fall
They took a step into the room..
The room where Louis stayed in for 2 years, the room where they had the warmest memories in
Alot of cuddles
Alot of kisses
Alot of spicy times
Louis felt his chest tighten, he took a breath helping Harry to sit on the bed
" Do you want to sleep naked or you want to wear something ? " Louis asked
" Pj please " Harry whispered
Louis walked to the dresser he knows where's everything, Harry never changed anything
He grabbed some clothes for both of them, gave Harry his and walked to the bathroom to change
When he finished he went back to the room knocking on the door before he went in
Harry was already laying in bed making a space for Louis, Louis moved to the other side of the bed
" Cuddle ? " Harry's eyes were shining under the moonlight
Louis looked at him for a while, is this a good idea ? He's his damn ex, he shouldn't be here hugging him.
But he tried to end everything, tried to kill him self, Louis is going to be selfish if he let go of Harry when he needed him the most.
So what ? Okay his ex but standing with him in this time of his life is much more important
" Yes, we can cuddle "

< Flashback >

" Sir you can sit here, you look tired, I can stand " a deep voice spoke to him
" This is nice from you but thank you no need to " Louis smiled politely to this stranger
" No really, you look so tired, here take my seat " he spoke again
Louis took 2 small steps with alot of hesitation..
He sat on the bus' chair " thank you so much sir " he smiled politely
" No need to "
Eventually Louis fell a sleep from all the tiredness, 15 minutes later he felt some hand shaking his frame gently
" Sir, sir "
" hmm " Louis was so lost he looked around trying to remember where he is
" Sir you fell a sleep and we are near to the bus stop, thought you might want to wake up " oh the stranger again
" Yeah.. yeah thank you " Louis had a fuzzy mind now because of this short nap
The bus stopped, the two men walked towards the door, same bus stop.
Louis tried so hard to focus on his steps but he was dizzy..
His hands were slightly shaking and his legs seems won't hold on for too long
He hate feeling so weak
" Sir, is everything alright ?You seem pale " Worried voice.
what's wrong with him, why he cares so much
" Yes " Louis managed to say
Both of them were near the stairs now
Louis tried to take small steps so he won't fall like the last time
Deep down he knew he will.
And he did.
He fell, again..
Strong hands were wrapped around him
" Oh look out there, alright ? You look pale "
" Yes Thank you "
" Is it okay to walk you home you really look tired "
Okay this is not safe, he's a stranger this is so weird, Louis thought..
" I know it sounds unsafe but I'm not gonna do any harm "
He can't believe that, this is unsafe, this is dangerous
It's already late at night, maybe 11 ?
This stranger could harm me
He could hit me, rob me, rape me or even kidnap me
He was so deep in his thoughts, he didn't realize how much he zoned out
" Sir it's okay if you don't feel comfortable, I'm just trying to help you " he was standing infront of Louis now..
He looks kind Louis though to himself
" Okay I'll take your offer " Louis sounded unsure
" I'm Harry "
" Harry "
" Yes ? "
" Just wanted to try it " Harry chuckled at Louis' answer
" I'm Louis " he whispered
" Fancy " the stranger- or Harry now said
" Let me guide you " Harry lend to him and wrapped a hand on Louis' waist
Louis' heart skipped a beat
They started to walk out the bus station
" Harry as in Harold ? " Louis looked up at Harry and saw that he smirked at the question
" No, My name is Harry Edward Styles " Wow, even his name..
" Mine is Louis William Tomlinson " louis said
" Told you fancy, suits you good " , " are you French or something ? " Harry followed
" No, I'm from Doncaster "
" Where do you live ? " Harry guy asked Louis
" Let's just walk down the street, and I'll tell you about the direction "
" Okay "
" How old are you Louis ? " Harry asked looking down at Louis
The high difference wasn't that much but Louis looked so tiny at the moment which made Harry kinda worried and concerned
" I'm soon to be 24 " he answered
" You look much younger " Harry said kinda shocked he thought Louis was 20 or 21
But not soon to be 24
" What about you Harry ? " Louis asked with a soft voice than he said " and now let's turn left " they walked towards the corner and took left
" I'm 21 "
" Really ? "
Tables turn, Louis was shocked.
" When is your birthday ? " Louis asked curiously
" February 1st "
" Mine is December 24th " Louis said
" Louis ! You are the Christmas' miracle "
Harry screamed, happy tone.
Why ? Louis thought.
" Please " , " I've heard that enough "
Louis rolled his eyes
He stopped which made Harry stop too
" We're here " Louis announced
" You live here ? " Harry asked scanning the place
Old but fancy
" Yes, thank you so much Harry " Louis said truthfully
" No need to thank me Louis " he gave him a dimple smile
" Please come in, we'll drink something "
Wow at first he was scared, now he's inviting him..
But Harry seems a nice guy
They walked towards the stairs, Harry's hands still wrapped around Louis' waist supporting him even though Louis is feeling slightly better
Harry loved holding Louis so is Louis
Nether of them let go of the other.
They walked into the hall in comfort silence, enjoying others' company.
Louis suddenly stopped searching for his key
Louis Tomlinson was written on the door under the apartment's number ( 28 )
Louis opened the door walking inside, holding the door open for Harry to come in
" Come in Harry "
Harry walked right behind him while they took their jackets off
Louis opened the lights and the heating system
Cozy, Harry thought
" Come in Harry go to the living room, I'll make us some tea " Louis talked as he walked into the kitchen
Harry went to the living room it was opened one, next to the kitchen
So that's good, he won't lost in this apartment
He looked around scanning the living room
He saw a little frames on the wall and the fireplace
He walked close to them there were girls, 2 ladies, and 2 men
There were a boy, a picture looked new and this kid looks nothing like Louis
There were a baby pictures of Louis
" Took you long enough looking at those "
Soft voice came from behind, Harry turned to look at Louis
" These are beautiful pictures, and you were such an adorable kid " Harry said
They walked towards the couch with Louis holding a tray
" Where do you wanna sit ? " Louis asked
" Next to you " Harry looked at Louis
Louis moved to where Harry was sitting, placing the tea with water cups and some biscuits to eat
Harry took a sip from the tea
" Yorkshire tea, I see " Harry said rising his eyebrows
" 's the best " Louis smiled
" I have one sister " Harry tried to start a conversation, Louis smiled at that
" She lives 3 hours away from here, she's the older though, but I'm the best Styles "
Louis chuckled, Harry looked cute
" I'm the oldest too, I have 5 sisters with one baby brother, I love them dearly "
Louis told him, he misses his family..
" Big family, I always wanted that " Harry pouted, cute again
" Okay it is time for me to go, I had fun talking to you Louis I hope you're feeling good " Harry said as he stands
Louis pouted, why would he leave ?
He felt great around Harry, he had a good time
" Hmm Harry " Louis said in hesitation's tone
" Yes Louis " Harry turned to look at him
They're standing in the door way now
Looking at each's eyes
" Would you... is it okay... it's okay if you don't want- " Harry cut him off " Louis, what ? Calm down " Harry smiled at him
" Is it okay if I took your phone number ? It's okay if you don't want to, I understand that " Louis asked
He was a little shy by asking such a thing
He felt his cheeks are heating up, he cursed under his breath
" Yes Louis, I'd love that I was shy to ask that " Louis walked closer taking his phone out of his pocket handing it to Louis
Louis wrote his number quickly saved it and call it
He handed him the phone back with a sweet smile, Harry returned it
Louis opened the door for Harry and again Harry smiled looking at him
" Bye Harry " Louis waved with soft smile, Harry smirked at that
" Bye Louis "

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