Chapter Two

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The next day, Princess Azalea will be attending a royal ball in honor of Prince William and his betrothed soon to be the Duchess of Cambridge.

The Princess will be wearing a dress made specifically for her.

As she was expected to make a good first impression on the ball, particularly with other royals from different states, which will be marked as her official introduction.

Her hair was tied in a bun with a white clip, leaving her curtain bangs hanging. The pearl necklace and earrings are from her grandmother's jewelry collection, which she let her borrow.

She was currently sitting on her bed, reading one of her favorite books that she had borrowed from William. She was so engrossed in the book when a knock on the door interrupted her. "You may come in!"

A servant entered the room. "Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth, and Prince Charles wish to see you, Your Highness," she said.

The Princess nodded at him. "Please inform them that I shall be there shortly, I'm Obliged." He bowed before exiting. She waited for another minute and decided to go downstairs herself.

When they noticed their daughter descending the stairs, they stopped their discussion. They turned their attention toward her as they walked near the end of the stairs.

"Good afternoon, Camilla," Princess Azalea said descending the stairs.

"Hello, darling," Charles responded, reaching out her hand for Azalea to hold. Camilla smiled warmly at her.

"You look wonderful! You're positively glowing!" The Princess blushed, feeling shy at the praise coming from her stepmother.

"Thank you. It means more coming from you." Azalea said returning the smile.

"I believe that we shall be going now," Charles remarked. "Shall we?"

"Of course," Azalea responded as the three started to walk outside the palace to greet their guests. Azalea felt quite apprehensive.

They arrived outside the palace garden where all guests are lounging before proceeding inside the palace. Black limousines and Carriages can be seen stationed.

When Charles spotted the newly crowned king, King Felipe VI of Spain, he excused himself from the conversation with Camilla.

The sun was shining, warming everyone up from head to toe. The air was filled with the sounds of chit-chat.

The Queen approached the princess, "Hello darling, You look wonderful!" Princess Azalea greeted the queen with a kiss on the cheek.

"Thank you Ma, You look wonderful yourself, the designer deserves a raise." cheered Azalea. Queen Elizabeth laughed hugging Azalea at the process, leaving Camilla hanging around.

Feeling left out, Camilla looked over at Charles, who is laughing together with King Felipe and Queen Letizia of Spain, she smiled.

Camilla excused herself from the pair and headed over to where his husband stood. Charles noticed Camilla and gestured for her to come.

Azalea and Elizabeth walked through the crowd hand by hand, smiling, nodding, and greeting the guests.

Azalea looked around the garden, admiring the flowers, trees, and even the fountain. She noticed some children playing, and it brought a small smile to her face.

She thought about how much fun it would be to join them, but she remembered what she was supposed to do and sighed.

"Do you still remember when I told you that I want you to meet someone?" Elizabeth turned around to face her granddaughter. "Yes, Mama, I remember quite vividly."

"I have done that, I would like you to meet him after, If that's okay with you, darling?" Elizabeth trailed off. "Of course, Mama, it is fine by me."

The Queen was supposed to say something but a guard beat her to it.

"Your Majesty, Princess, I apologize for disturbing your conversation There seems to be some sort of problem with the Royal carriage and horses. We've tried to move them back to the stables, but they refuse to obey." He drawled, out of breath. "Very well" The Queen smiled at Azalea before following the royal guard.

"Let's chatter, after some time" The queen whispered to her granddaughter who just waved in reply.

"Princess!" A male voice called, causing Azalea's head to turn in its direction. It was his brother, Harry. He was wearing a formal black suit, standing close to the fountain, and holding a bouquet.

Harry handed the flowers to Azalea before taking her hand and a kiss on top of it, surprising the girl slightly. "For you, Princess."

"It's lovely, Why Thank you." She exclaimed, smelling the flowers.

After a few moments of silence, "I was wondering if you've seen Wills and Kate?" Asked Harry.

Azalea shook her head. "I'm sorry, I haven't since I got here. May I ask why?" The princess looked away for a second.

"Shall we take a leisurely stroll through the garden, just you and me? I want to rant!" Harry suggested, changing the topic. Azalea's eyes lit up.

"That would be most pleasant, I'd love to." Harry took Azalea's arm and the two started to walk toward the entrance of the garden.

There was a large bench near the entrance of the garden, they sat down, Azalea facing her brother while Harry continued ranting about his current girlfriend.

"I don't know why she keeps doing this to me," he groaned. "What does she think I am? Some kind of idiot? What the hell is wrong with her?" Harry asked frustrated. Azalea stayed silent, trying to calm him down.

Azalea heard a rustling of leaves from the bushes that were in front of the bench, she slowly stood up and walked to the end of the rose bush.

"Did you see that?" Harry who noticed this looked at her sister. "See what?" Harry questioned. "I'm not particularly sure, It was some sort of animal wearing a blue waistcoat," Azalea said quietly.

Harry stood up with their hands in his pocket and walked towards the bush where Azalea is. He shrugged, "It could have been a squirrel or a rabbit... Are we in Alice in Wonderland??"

Azalea laughed as she shook her head, looking around again, hoping for another glimpse of whatever was behind the bush. "I guess you're right, I do wish we were, Harry," said Azalea.

Suddenly, two small garden mice scurried away because of the loud thud that was heard from the bush. Wide-eyed, Harry went behind Azalea and they both watched as the rodents disappear.

Once Azalea noticed that there was indeed an animal laying under the rose bush; It was a big Ragdoll cat wearing a blue waistcoat! It was lying on its side as if asleep, however, it was clasping a little mouse, about to eat it.

Azalea kneeled down to the cat, "Lea! Don't kneel down, The mice might jump at your beautiful and gorgeous face!"

"Scared, Harry?" Azalea joked making Harry scoff. "You wish"

The cat looked up at Azalea and immediately let go of the mouse which let out a small squeak while scurrying away back to her family.

"Well, Hello?" Azalea whispered gently, earning a small purr in response. She reached out her hand to pet the cat but stopped midway, afraid that she will frighten it. Instead, she picked it up and cradled it in her arms.

She checked the name tag, "Alice? Your name is Alice!" Alice purred.

"Alice? Alice in Wonderland?" Harry asked looking over her shoulder. She smiled, showing Harry the kitten in her arms. "She is adorable!"

After a few minutes passed until Azalea and Harry heard footsteps approaching their direction.

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Chapter 2 is done! Don't forget to follow and vote, Thank you!! The reference from Alice in Wonderland! The scene just popped into my fried brain, I have no idea how and why.

Who do you think owns the footsteps?

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