Chapter 4: The First step to becoming A Pokemon Master

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After they left the lab, Ash tried to bond with Pikachu. Even though he agreed to give Ash a chance, he still didn't fully trust the raven-haired boy. It wasn't long before they reached his house. Ash had his hand on the handle and was about to enter when a sudden thought entered his head. Ash let go of the handle and turned to face Pikachu, kneeling down to Pikachu's eye level.

"Pikachu, you're about to meet my mother. I promise she is a good person, but if she tries to touch you, please save the shock for me afterward, please, "Ash asked.

Pikachu took a couple of minutes to think it over. He figured that if Ash seemed like a good person, then maybe his mother was as well. Pikachu finally agreed to the terms.


Ash smiled and stood on up, and put his hand on the handle. He took a deep breath before a smile took over his face again and turned the handle opening the door...


As he entered the house, he saw his older twin brother in a tight hug. Justin turned around and noticed his younger twin and shook his head in annoyance.

"Alright, mom, I need to get going," Justin said as he broke the hug.

When Delia let go, Justin walked towards the don't, and he grabbed his bag, holding it over his shoulder as he came face to face with Ash.

"Well, I guess this goodbye, for now, Justin," Ash told Justin as he offered his hand."See you later, bro."

Justin looked at the open gesture and mentally sighed before he slowly accepted his brother's handshake deciding to be ave on good terms. Ash smiled, seeing this as a sign things would change between the two of them.

He never understood why Justin was harsher to him compared to other people, but he was happy to see them making progress. Delia couldn't help but smile. She understood why Justin acted the way he did with Ash, but she was glad to see her sins were making bridges. Justin then ended the handshake and left to start his journey.

Deila wiped her eyes as her older son had left.

"Ash," Deila said, getting her youngest son's attention."What Pokemon did you get?"She asked.

Ash walked towards her and closed the door as Pikachu revealed himself from behind Ash.

"I got Pikachu, the best starter ever!" Ash exclaimed happily as he smiled down at Pikachu, who was next to him now.

"Oh. I thought the starters were Bulbasuar, Charmander, and Squirtle," Delia said, tilting her head.

"Yes, they are. But since I was one of the last ones there, there was no starter for me. So I ended up with Pikachu instead," Ash said.

"Oh, okay," Deila said and knelt down to Pikachu level with a soft smile."Hello there Pikachu."

Pikachu tilted his head and stared at Delia curiously. It was getting a strong feeling that she wasn't a bad person at all. She had a very kind smile, and something about her was filled with kindness. Pikachu could really fill it. Finally, he gave a smile and cried, "Pi!"

Then Delia started rubbing his head."You're such a cute Pokemon. Aren't you?"

"Chu!" Pikachu cooed happily.

Ash watched the scene nervously and was biting his nails. The last time Pikachu gave a thunderous shock was when Ash touched him. He just hoped Pikachu would keep his promise and not shock his mom. However, it seemed that Pikachu was enjoying it, so maybe Pikachu wasn't that nervous about humans.

Then Delia finally stood back up and faced Ash, her youngest son.

"I got everything packed up. I got everything in the backpack you will need during your journey," Deila said, and with that, Ash followed her to the living room.

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