Chapter 5: The Route to Viridian City

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Finally here is the fifth chapter of the Kanto arc. this arc will possibly be a long one. I plan to make it as fun as possible to read with some changes of course with the trio being replaced and trying to build up a larger role for team rocket than the original in the anime with some additions from the show still of course. A new character will be making an appearance soon.

Anyway onto the chapter!


Ash, Jessie, Pikachu, and Eevee were walking along Route one. It has been about two hours now since they left Pallet Town. It had been pretty uneventful so far not a single Pokemon in sight yet. The route was filled with nature. Like tall trees, grassy plains, lakes, and rivers.

Pikachu was intrigued by his new trainer. So far, Ash had kept his word and had been treating him like a friend. The boy seems to be quite unique for a human. He seemed to care about Pokemon and his friends, and because of that Pikachu didn't seem as tempted as to take his offer and leave. Pikachu turned to glance at his trainer. Ash and Jessie noticed this and smiled at the electric mouse.

Yes, Pikachu decided that he could trust that Ash was indeed a kind person he made himself out to be. He was the key that would allow Pikachu to trust humans once again. Jessie didn't seem to be a bad person either with the way Eevee already trusted her, but he was still wary of her.

"How are you guys holding up?" Ash asked Jessie, Pikachu, and Eevee, snapping the electric mouse out of his thoughts.

"We've been walking for a while now and my feet are starting to feel sore. Can we take a break besides I'm sure Eevee and probably my Ekans are getting a bit hungry," Jessie said and Eevee and Pikachu nodded in agreement.

"Sure this field near the river seems like a nice place to relax," Ash said as he took his bag off and placed it on the ground with Jessie doing the same.

Jessie then took out her Pokeball and sent out her Ekans who happily wrapped around her neck as Eevee walked over to Pikachu and sat down as they started talking."Are you hungry?" She asked and received a cry in response signaling yes.

"Alright, I have some rice balls for you and Eevee. You can have some too Pikachu," Jessie said as she headed the rice balls to the three Pokemon and started digging in hurriedly."Seems that they were quite hungry."

Ash sat down and unzipped his backpack as he pulled out a sandwich bag with two sandwiches and gave one to Jessie."My mom made these have one," He offered.

"Thank you, Ash you didn't have to share my father packed me food and a book of travel recipes," Jessie said with a small smile as she took the sandwich from Ash's hand and bit took a bite.

"So Jessie why did you decide to become a Pokemon trainer," Ash said catching Ekans attention as well as Jessie's look up from her sandwich "I mean you never did tell me."

Jessie sighed mentally she knew that eventually, she had to tell Ash the truth, so now was probably better than never at all.

"Ash there is something I have to tell you," Jessie began."The truth is...I don't really want to enter the Pokemon League like you. I don't have any interest in collecting badges."

"Really?" Ash questioned as he took a bite of his sandwich."Well, that is not a problem. There are a lot of people who don't want to become trainers. So what do you want to do? Pokemon breeder, groomer, or..."

"You misunderstood me, Ash, Jessie interrupted gaining the attention of Eevee and Pikachu as well."The thing is...I don't know what I want to do at all."

"You don't?" Ash questioned surprised."Yet you still decided to go on a Pokemon journey?"

"Yes I did," Jessie replied with a slight blush.

"Why?" Ash asked curiously.

"It's because I didn't want to be all alone ever again. I mean Trace, Chase and Elaine left and moved away. Then you, Leaf, Gary, and Justin are leaving and already have a goal. I simply figured coming along with one of you would help me find my goal. I probably seem crazy to you going on a journey without a goal in mind," Jessie sighed running a hair through her hair.

She then felt a hand on her shoulder and looked over to see Ash giving her a warm smile."There's nothing ridiculous about that," He said catching Jessie by surprise."Wanting to be by your friends and finding your goal is natural. If I was in your place. I would do the same thing."

"Really?" Jessie questioned."You don't think I'm foolish?

"Not at all," Ash replied shaking his head."If you don't know what you want to do yet that's okay. I know some people take years to figure out what they want to do, and that is fine. I know you will eventually figure it out your goal, and I will be here by your side every step of the way. You have a great personality and grace as a performer so you could be like one of those Pokemon coordinators I saw on TV once."

That comment caused Jessie to blush like a tamato.

'I have grace? Is Ash complimenting me?' Jessie thought curiously.

"Ah, Jessie are you okay?" Ash asked looking at the red hue on Jessie's face.

Eevee and Pikachu both rolled their eyes at Ash who was more dense than a wall made of iron.

"Hey! Why don't we make a promise to stay together until the end and always look after each other!" Ash said holding out his hand." Pikachu and Eevee are you with us you too Ekans!"

"Eevee!" Eevee cried out happily as she ran forward and placed a small paw on Ash's hand. Pikachu hesitated for a bit before he ran forward as well and placed his paw on the others as Ekans slithered down Jessie's neck and wrap its tail in support as well.

Jessie could feel a warm feeling inside of her chest as she saw the support everyone was giving her.

"Alright! Let's do it!" She agreed as she place her hand on the others and Ekans tail.

Then it is settled!" Ash shouted as everyone lifted their hands, paws, or tail in a cheer.

The happy scene was interrupted by the sound of flapping wings above their heads. They looked up and saw a tiny bird Pokemon fly above them and land about fifty feet away.

It was slightly plump and had a brown colored body and cream color underbelly. It had a pink beak and pink talons.

Jessie and Ash both pulled out of their Pokedex.

"Pidgey, the tiny bird Pokemon. It is very docile if attacked and will kick up sand to protect itself. This Pokemon is great for beginner trainers to test their strength," The Pokedex both said in a male and female robotic voice.


So this is it. In this chapter, Jessie and Ash started their journey to Viridian City. Ash encouraged Jessie that he be by her side along the way in finding her goal on her Pokemon journey. When they run into a Pidgey. Next chapter they will finally meet Misty and the Spearow flock.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy the chapter even though it ends on a cliffhanger!

Thanks for reading.

Wc: 1277

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