Chapter 1: Introduction

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Salem: 1693

A boy named Thackery Binx suddenly shot awake in his bed, thinking he had heard something. He glanced around but didn't see anything, and went to lay back down, when he noticed the empty bed of his little sister.

"Emily? Emily!" He called.


Thackery got up out of bed and walked outside his house, looking for his sister.

"Emily!" He called again, but didn't receive an answer.

He looked to the right to see his neighbor and friend Elijah standing outside his house as well.

"Elijah! Has thee seen my sister Emily?" He asked.

Elijah shook his head. "Nay, but look. They conjure."

He pointed in the distance, and in the woods, purple smoke could be seen rising from a chimney.

"The woods!"

The two boys ran towards the edge of the village where they could see a cloaked figure luring a little girl into the woods across a field.

"Emily!" Thackery cried.

"She's done for." Elijah whispered.

Thackery grabbed his shoulder. "Not yet! You wake my father, and summon the elders. Go!" He ordered, before rushing towards the woods.


Thackery ran through the woods, the leaves crunching underneath his bare feet. He jumped over rocks, and pushed small branches out of his way as he ran, but accidentally ended up tripping over a tree root and tumbling down a hill.

He picked his head up from the ground and saw a cottage in the distance, and watched as his little sister was lead inside by the cloaked figure.

Thackery snuck up to the window of the cottage and peered inside. His sister Emily was sitting in a chair surrounded by three witches. Emily saw Thackery by the window and her eyes widened, making the three witches turn in his direction.

Thackery ducked out of the way and slunk over to the water wheel that was spinning around their house as two of the witches came outside to look around.

The third opened the window and looked up at the sky. He was an older man with curly red hair that had gray in it, and he had very large canines that looked more like fangs.

He was wearing green a green cloak and a black collared shirt with a green vest over it, with black pants, black and green striped socks, and black boots.

"Oh, look. Another glorious morning. It makes me sick!" He shrieked, before going back inside.

"Sisters!" He called.

"Yes, Winnie."

"We're coming Winnie, right away!"

The other witches replied, going back inside.

"Must have been an imp." Winnie shrugged.

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