Meme x Blaza !!

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Prompt: Meme and Blaza reading mean tweets/comments about themselves and laughing it off.

I ordered the members into numbers and told my friend to pick 2 numbers and I'll write a one-shot of them so ye.


"Meme probably looks like a dead seal" Meme read out, half chuckling.

As soon as he read it out, Blaza started laughing, filling up the whole room as Meme joined in as well.

Meme scrolls down to the next tweet to read.

"Im sorry but Blaza has the worst voice I've heard"


Little spurts of chuckles start to come out as they start laughing hysterically.

Meme starts to turn red and covers his face while still laughing along with Blaza and lies down on the bed.

Blaza lies down next to him.


hehe the silly boys now have their own oneshot in thisss book lololo...

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