chapter 4

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" You must be Shinso, right?"  Inko ask the purple haired boy infront of her. He was so nervous to meet one of his crushes mother that he couldn't even speak, so he just nod as an answer. Seeing how tense the younger of them both was she smile and pat his shoulder. "You can calm down, i don't bite" She laugh.

" I- uh- um- N-nice to meet you Mrs Midoriya" Hitoshi bow respectfully to the woman.

She giggle. " No need to be formal, just call me Inko, or auntie, or auntie Inko. Literally anything else than Midoriya please. It just makes me feel old, not that i ain't, but it makes me feel older"

Hitoshi nod and smile. " Then it's nice to meet you Inko-san"

" You won't remove  the 'san' even if i ask right?" Shinso nod. " Well, then i give up, suit yourself. I'll go cook dinner, so don't cause trouble" She look at Izuku, and Katsuki tried to hold back a laugh. Just then her gaze switch to Bakugou. "Especially you Katsuki"

" Huh?!" He shout surprised  that it back fire at him.

" Don't act innocent Katsuki, I've known you since you were in your mother's womb. You can't full me, so don't bully the poor boy, okay?" She ask. " He looks like a nice company to have, i don't want any of you scaring him off, got it?" She ask once again.

" Yas ma'am" Katsuki salute. " But just for the record, i brought him here."

She nod. " Good, then i would leave you alone and go cook" She happily skip to the kitchen.

" Wait Inko-san!" Shinso shout after the woman, she stop in her track and turn around confused " Can i help you with cooking?" He ask abit shy.

She smile wide. " If you really want to, but i suggest you go play with the boys" she say.

Hitoshi shook his head. " I really want to help" he ask with pleading voice.

The oldest sigh. " As you wish, in this case, Izuku" She turn toward her son. "You and Katsuki can do whatever, me and Shinso would cook" she told him.

Both, her and Shinso walk in the kitchen. At first the boy was really nervous and would flinch a few times  but soon enough, he relaxed and get comfortable around the green haired woman. 

Of course Inko wasn't blind nor dumb. The bruise on Shinso's eye was pretty visible along with few more marks here and there that she could glance at. Like the one that showed every time he lifted his arm for something, because the sleeve of his shirt wasn't long enough to cover it that way. Or the one near his neck, it wasn't showing much, but it was enough for Inko to see it. Check Check and check, in every category. That boy was either bullied, or abused at home. From the way Shinso was  more anxious when he was alone with her give her the answer. He was abused. She decided to not voice that knowledge and just continue with their cooking. There was plenty of time tonight to ask him about it, it didn't need to be right now. Plus the boy didn't even trust her yet, but she didn't blame him for  it. If anything, she perfectly understood his reasons. She would just leave it alone for now, just for now.

Imma stop here.

I mean, gotta make sure the book is atlest near 10 chapter lol.

Anyway, hope you enjoy!

Love ya and stay safe! ~¤♡¤~

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