chapter 5

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" Come on boys! Come and help us set the table!" Inko yell form the kitchen. Not even 5 sec later Katsuki and Izuku rushed in the room. Inko chuckle and give each a bowl of the Katsudon they were making, instructing them to set it  on the table and come back for forks and cups. And so they did. They left the bowls on the table in the dining room area and after went to get  forks for everyone, same with cups. Inko and Shinso only took their own bowls to the table. Inko says that that was only fair considering they we the ones who cooked it, while Bakugou and Izuku did god knows what in the living room.
*cough cough* they maked out *cough cough*

They ate and had some small talks. Mainly about school and how they were doing in there. While the three boys were telling her that, she found out Hitoshi's quirk.  " So you have a brainwashing quirk?" She ask the teen.

Shinso freez in his spot realizing he just give away his quirk despite how hard he tried to hide it from the woman. He really liked her and didn't want the same thing that happened with his parents to repeat with Inko. Even worse, he might never see Izuku again, well not really considering they were classmates, but his point is clear.
" I- Yeah. That's my quirk" He respond with low voice getting all nervous.

" How does it work?" She ask curious to find out more. But to the teen it looked like she was asking so she can avoid the possibility of him brainwashing her.

Can you blame him? That's the only reason people were asking questions about him quirk in the first place until now. " I have to ask you a question and if you answer i can control you. But i can't make you do things that need thinking, only clear commands. Like for example, i can't ask you 'who do you think from the three of us can't cook?'.  However i can ask you 'who from us can't cook?' The answer is Izuku, no offense" he say to the greenette who nod showing non is taken. " But you have to already know the answer to tell it to me. I can't make you guess. I hope this explains the basic." He say worried about what Inko might say next.

" And about the commanding thing, is it only to give answers to questions, or?" She ask again.

" Um, i c-can also make you do whatever i want, once you had answered the question of course. For example, let's say i already brainwashed you. I can tell you to bring me a  cup and you're just going to stand up and do it. You might not even remember i made you do it." He shift in his seat uncomfortable and once again waiting for the woman next words. However what she say caught him off of guard.

" Wow, that's some amazing quirk you've got there!" She say with a smile. " You can do so many things with it and help in so many different situations."

" Right?!" Izuku smile too, agreeing with his mother.

" Pfft- nerds" Katsuki say barely noticeable.

Unfortunately Izuku hear him and pout. " We ain't nerds,!" The green haired boy shout

" Yeah?" Bakugou ask with smile. "Then say it to your notebooks , Izu" he respond smirking.

Izuku didn't say anything and just pout,  continue eating his Katsudon.  Inko only chuckle at Katsuki's statement.

" Wait what notebooks?" Shinso ask genuinely confused.

" It's..... kind of Izuku's hobby, i guess?" The green haired woman responded to the teen, not sure how exactly she should call whatever Izuku was doing with these notebooks.

" I can show you if you want?!" The younger Midoriya suggest excited.

" You wanna scare him away? Auntie say not to tho." Bakugou teased  his lover.

" Katsuki, i swear. If you don't shut up i will break up with you right now, infront of my mom" Katsuki's face went pale, while in the other hand Inko was trying not to laugh and Shinso just enjoying the drama infront of him.

" You won't do it." Bakugou finally say when he get a bit from his braveness. "Plus you like cuddle and kisses too much. Who would you date, so they give you that  if you leave me huh?" He add,  now getting even cockier, with a smirk.

Izuku look away from him with a pout and mumble loud enough only for Katsuki to hear. " I can always convince Shinso over here"

" Huh?!" Bakugou shout as his smirk fell, but Izuku's made it's way on his face.

" What? Think i can't?" Izuku ask.

While both lovers were arguing about it Inko look at Shinso with a  confused look on her face. Hitoshi realizing that the woman asked for some kind of explanation, shrug shoulders because he had no idea too.

Soon Katsuki and Izuku left the matter behind and continue acting all lovely-dovely with each other.

Shinso and Inko get to know each other and the greenette woman even grew pretty found of him.

Sooooo, how's y'all day today?

Hope you enjoy!
Stay safe and love ya! ~¤♡¤~

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