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After all that, they had a silly little party for Ashton and Kim. She was happy for Ash and vice-versa.

Kim's P.O.V

I love Ashton. Is all i can say in my head. Then Ash came up to me,

Ash: Heyyyyy Caallllluuummmm
Kim: Ash your drunk
Ash: ah knooowwwww right????
Kim: Ash please stop drinking for a while. For meeeeeee, pleeeeaaasseee???
Ash: *realizes he's drunk* oh my. i'm drunk. Sorry Kim.
Kim: nah its fine just dont be too drunk
Ash: ok :)


P: hhheyyyy loookkkkk Kkkimmmmm anddd Aasshhhh our fffllliiirrrtttiiiinnnn' *was slurred*
M: girl, your drunk. your the girl version of me now. *smirk*
P: stahp smirkiiiingg iii didddnnttt doooo annyyythiiin'
M: hahaha your so cute while drunk.
A: who's drunk?
M: Angela, your cousin's is drunk.
A: Pam.
P: yeahhhhhh mikeyyyy???
A: stop playing 'round. its so not funny. and stop being drunk.
P: ok ill stahp
A: whatever *walks away* denise.
D: yeah girl?
A: *points to P*
D: omg.
A: i know right.
K: why?
A&D: *points to P*
K: oh come on!
A: why
K: a while ago it was Ash.

A few hours later...

K: ok party's done. lots of you are gettin' drunk.
A: great. its done we can rest Pamela in peace.
A: you dont get it. i meant were going to put her to sleep
D: oh ok.

Kim and Ash.

Ash: bye love
Kim: bye Ash.

Then the boys left.

A&D: ö (that's an 'o' face)
K: what?
K: whatever.

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