1: A Lifetime of promises

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A Lifetime of Promises

"Sandaime-sama, the jounin have gathered in the lower meeting room as you requested." A flat voice broke the silence of the circular room, void of any other beings besides the aging man who stood behind the desk staring out the windows surveying the massive village before him -or more like what was left of the mighty village.

Outside smoke billowed up in various parts as water was dumped on the still smoldering buildings and roads, homes half standing unevenly seemingly ready to topple at any moment. People buzzed through the remaining streets carefully avoiding the wood, nails and glass littering all over.

The faint cries reached his ears, fists balling tight until his knuckles turned white, his heart fluttering rapidly he lowered his head clenching his eyes tightly shut effectively clearing the tears that nearly spilled, biting back the immense desire to throw his head back and scream.

"Sandaime-sama?" The flat voice called again but with hesitation, he let out a sigh and inclined his head.

"I'll be there shortly, thank you." His voice was shaky and graveled, he watched the masked ninja behind him flash away leaving him once again alone.

'Pull it together Hiruzen, you must show a solid front for this. No weakness, no mistakes.' He lectured himself as he brushed his hands down his haori, attempting to free it from the wrinkles, he paused, staring at his hand where an ever so faint liver-spot was appearing. 'Definitely getting old...' He mused before heading to the room below.

He walked to the door of the meeting letting out a deep sigh before straightening his shoulders and entering, gathering the eyes of the many jounin in the room, before them was placed a long oak desk painted red in the center, where his three elder council members; Danzo, Homaru, and Koharu sat patiently. Known as his lifelong friends and teammates, they had always been his most trusted and loyal acquaintances. All but Danzo, who Hiruzen found, grew more distant over the years.

"Thank you all for coming, I understand it's mildly inconvenient, with everything that has happened, but I felt it necessary to call a meeting quickly. But I assure you this will be short and to the point so you can return to your tasks." Hiruzen announced as he took the middle chair removing the hat from his head and surveyed his jounin. Most were garbed in their traditional chunin / jounin garbs, while some still wore black funeral clothing.

Earlier that morning after getting the final death toll was received and the Konoha occupants took part in a massive funeral. Which caused Hiruzen to call this meeting, for only five days ago the great village was ravaged by the infamous Kyuubi no Kitsune. In the night without real warning, the beast was dropped in the heart of the village and began to rampage with many dying from his claws and chakra. Hiruzen rushed into battle mode ordering evacuations, protections, and barriers to help save who they could until the Yondaime could return to the village's aid and stop the beast, he was the only one who could possibly match the sheer volume of Kyuubi.

While Hiruzen managed to push the beast out of the village, the Yondaime managed to remove him completely from Konoha's borders before any further damage was done. The young Hokage sealed the beast and tragically died that night too.

"So, let's begin, hm?" He gave a rhetorical question. "We're here to discuss Konoha's future, after everything this previous night."

"We managed to expel the Kyuubi but the sacrifice was too great." Homaru began.

"This is no time to lament, our Hokage seat is now empty," Koharu remarked. "We must fix this and choose an heir quickly."

Shikaku Nara glanced left and right before clearing his throat. " Perhaps someone from below Minato's age group?"

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