5: Work With Me

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Work With Me.

Itachi let out a groan as he slowly lowered himself to the couch, Izumi stood in front of him holding his bag of medications and supplies from the hospital. Soon after his father left for the mission, Itachi pleaded and soon argued with the doctor and nurses until they agreed to let him go home. But with Izumi adamantly agreeing he would not participate in any ninja activities for the next two weeks and would come back every week.

"Izumi, I promise I'm good now," Itachi eyed Izumi with pink cheeks. "I won't do anything-"
"I already plan to tell your mom so she'll-"
"Itachi-nii!!!" Sasuke's voice cheered from the hallway as he raced in, Izumi quickly shot between them.

"Sasuke, don't jump on him! He's got a broken rib, burns on his side, you have to let him rest." Izumi warned, the boy puffed his cheeks in a pout before he moved around her and plopped down on the couch next to him.

"I'm so glad you're home, it's been a boring week! Shisui is on a mission, Naru is .... missing and you've been in the hospital!" He whined, Itachi's breath hitched at Naru's name before glancing at Izumi who put his things down and sat across from him.

Fugaku stepped inside with a heavy sigh and nearly slammed the door shut, his face set in a troubled look. "Father!" Itachi nearly barked and sprung from the couch and raced to his father's side ignoring the pulsing from his wounds. "Where's Naru! How is she?!" He questioned, Mikoto stepped in the room at Itachi's questions, he looked at the intent eyes on him and sighed.

"Sasuke, go to your room and do not eavesdrop, now." He ordered, the boy began to protest before a stern look made him click his teeth together, knowing not to test his father's temper. He stood and quickly shuffled back to his room and shut the door.

"Father." Itachi questioned again.

"Sigh Akane attacked Naru that night, attempting to kill her," Mikoto covered her mouth, a horrified look on her face. "Naru lost control due to... everything, somehow her chakra reacted to the situation, it killed Akane in front of Naru, and presumably exploding tags blew the building, but anbu are still searching." Fugaku shifted from foot to foot. "Naru was badly wounded, before Akane died she told Naru everything, the truth of her parents, Kyuubi, everything and it fully tipped Naru over the edge, she lost control." Itachi's face went pale, he shook in place, hearing Mikoto let out a whispered comment.

"So, where is she?" Izumi asked first.


"What?! The Hokage is punishing Naru for defending herself?" Itachi asked, his blood starting to boil at the thought.

"No, but Naru actively voiced she would be abandoning the village. He told her to calm herself, she continued, possibly went in for an attack, I put her under a genjutsu again, Hiruzen ordered until she is ready to stay in the village, she will remain there."

"I'll go talk to her! She'll come to reason if I can visit and talk-"
"Itachi, I love her like a daughter, but she could have killed you." Mikoto whispered.

"I don't care! I'm not letting her rot in prison!" Itachi protested. "You didn't see it, she pulled back when she saw me! She'll listen to me!"

"No, I'm not letting her stay in prison!" He growled, shoving past his father and painfully yanked his shoes on his feet. "I'll talk to him, I won't abandon her."


"Just go home Izumi!" He warned, she shook in mild fear at his sharingan that glinted dangerously.


"Itachi, I understand-"
"No! Hokage-sama with all due respect you're putting a child in prison, not an adult, not a teenager, a child!" Itachi interrupted.

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