Chapter Three: Jorvik Stables

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Finally — after sunrise and getting ready for the day — Marina was standing outside of the intricate wrought iron gates of Jorvik Stables, which were flanked on either side by two rearing, marble horses. From a fair distance, she could see a few riders in a meadow that began where the stable yard ended. Beyond that, was a glimpse of the forest, and farther away, the high mountains stood against the blue horizon. Behind the stable was the shimmering pure and blue of the sea. It resembles a painting to Marina. She hasn't seen Brooklyn since yesterday, she's probably with a riding club or something like that.
The main stable seemed to be large and well kept, with several paddocks, indoor rings, and stable buildings. It was surrounded by a wall that has been constructed from the same pale yellow bricks as the buildings. Marina entered the stables and found a red-haired boy that she recognizes as Stein, one of the stablehands.
"Oh hi," said Stein. "You're Marina Wiseheart, right?" She nodded. "I'm Stein, I'll get Herman for you. He's the owner of the stables and can show you all the horses, while I'll milk the cows."
"Okay," Marina said softly.
"Herman!" Stein hollered in the direction of the house. "Marina's here!"
A middle-aged man with long, gray hair pulled back into a ponytail and thick sideburns poked out on his head. He has light skin and gentle brown eyes. He's wearing a green t-shirt with a open black leather vest with silver buttons and pockets, blue jeans, and brown-orange sneakers with white laces. He gave them a big smile and came over to say hello. Marina's lean hand was enveloped by one of his strong and firm hands, marked by his years of stable work.
"Nice to meet you! I'm Herman," said the man. "I own this amazing place. Welcome to Jorvik Stables! Marina, was it?"
"Yes, it's nice to meet you too," Marina said softly.
"Come along," said Herman and led her towards a paddock.
About a dozen horses and ponies stood inside of the paddock. Some were drinking water, others were standing about. A couple were grazing, clearly wanting a snack. A few playfully nudged one another, clearly friends. A few foals chased after each other as if they were playing a game of tag. They varied in all sorts of colors to Marina. Some have white pinto markings on their coats or have regular white markings too. Marina recognized some of them as ponies, due to their smaller statures.
"I'm not sure if there is a horse for me," Marina said, sad and doubtful.
"There's always one for every person," said Herman gently. "You just need to find the one that calls out to you the most."
"I'll try." Marina remembers her hidden ability other than her "mysterious aura." She knew, for some reason, that all horses adore her and wants her to be near them. According to her mother, Marina has more than an average of Aideen's Light inside of her.
"Look out!" She snapped out of her thoughts to see a man was flung out of a smaller paddock. Marina heard a familiar shrill whinny and realized it was the same mare from yesterday!
"The Jorvik Rangers had the mare mostly gentled at Moorland Stables," explained Herman. "She just doesn't know us yet. That one has been human weight trained by the rangers."
"How do they do that?" Marina asked curiously.
"They put sacks of grain on the horse's back to get them use to carry a rider," explained Herman.
Marina nodded and looked towards the mare in the smaller paddock. She could see that the mare is a beautiful silvery-gray mare with a white mane and tail. Marina wants to gain a closer look to the mare and started to feel drawn towards the mare. Marina was amused and sympathetic as she watched as the feisty mare chased another, freaked out handler out of the paddock.
"Once you're done with your work, you can meet the mare," Herman said with a smile.
"Okay." Marina gotten to work by feeding and watering the horses and pigs their meals. She helped put in fresh hay into the stalls, while Stein picked up the droppings. After she was done with the hay, she cleaned herself up and continued to work. She helped groom the lesson horses and cleaned the tack before putting it onto the horses.
After she was done, Marina looked around curiously and found the small paddock that the wild mare was in.
"Hey girl," greeted Marina as she stood by the fence. "Remember me?"
The mare lifted her head and glanced at her. She gave a little snort and gotten up as she looked at Marina. Did she recognize her? For a moment she was certain she did, but then she turned away again. Marina leaned against the fence and folded her arms on top of the fence, so the mare could see her better.
"I'm Marina," said Marina to the mare before she went through her brown satchel and gotten out an apple for the mare. "Here girl. You can have it, if you want."
The mare flicked an ear and looked at her curiously before she slowly started walking towards Marina. She knelt next to the fence and reached her arm above the fence, the apple resting on Marina's upturned palm. The mare's nostrils flared and took a hesitant step towards her direction.
Marina fought off the urge to step back from the wild mare as she watched as the mare gently took the apple from Marina's hand. She could see that the mare's gaze seemed to be gleaming with warmth... and almost human intelligence. Her eyes were mild. Blue like the cloudless sky. The mare seemed to be studying her, as though she could see straight through her. Marina's wariness evaporated when their eyes met. She felt herself become more calmer and warmer. She seemed to be studying her, as though she could see straight through her. Her fear evaporated when their eyes met. Suddenly, her breathing slowed. She felt calm and comfortable, even as she climbed over the fence.
Marina gingerly walked up and stood close enough to touch the horse's extended neck. The sunlight shone down on them through a circle of clouds overhead.
The mare is exquisite, nothing like she'd imagined. The lines of her combat body curved with graceful, powerful precision. Her delicate muzzle widened into a broad, proud nose, and her large blue eyes are angled into soft slants. Her coat is sleek and the color of silver. Her silky white mane and tail is the same shade as the moon.
All of Marina could feel was warmth and affection for the horse as she put her head close to her and snorted. Marina let out a soft chuckle and thought to herself that the mare was behaving like a lovable puppy, despite being a horse.
An electric warmth rushed through her. It was like a buzzing electric current, but painless.
Trembling slightly, she continued to pet the mare's warm and soft muzzle. The mare stepped closer and blew air into her face. She smelled of the fields, the beach, and something else she couldn't quite put her finger on.
She soon spoke in a voice that she barely recognizes, "You need a name. How about... Estrella?" The mare nickered and nodded as her blue eyes gleamed.
I sound like I'm in love, Marina thought. She had never been in love, not really, but judging from what she'd read and seen in movies, she could guess that it was something close to what she was feeling right now.
But it was not infatuation. But it was certainly something. All she knew was that she wanted to be brave enough to ride the mare and go on amazing adventures that they both dreamt of having. It was as if they were the only ones who could both see and feel what freedom feels like. All that remained was Marina and with the inexplicable, electric warmth surrounding them.
Marina raised her right hand in front of her, she closed her eyes and waited as she felt uncertain of how to befriend one of the most feistiest mares that ever lived. She felt her breath caught in her throat as Estrella leaned into Marina's palm, snorting softly, making Marina looked at the silvery mare in surprise. They both met each other's eyes with open curiosity, Marina somehow knew that they were confirmed as equals.
The two of them both met each other's eyes. Emotions rolled around inside Marina like a whirlwind. She don't know whether to feel joyful or awed or wonder or uncertainty. New feelings like lightning raced between them: newly made trust, curiosity, excitement, and understanding. Behind those amber eyes seemed to hide more intelligence than seemed possible for any horse and Estrella's eyes seemed to have the reflection of Marina's soul. Marina was surprised to see that Estrella seemed to be smiling at her with warm eyes. Estrella nickered softly and nodded to Marina, she lowered her head and began to nuzzle her face. While Marina gently held the mare's head and made the mare nickered in pleasure as gently scratched behind the mare's ears.
"Good job Marina." She and Estrella turned to see Herman has been watching them bond. "Estrella is very picky when it comes to who rides her."
"Really?" Marina glanced at Estrella, who nickered softly and her blue eyes twinkled at her.
"I want to ask you become Estrella's owner," said Herman warmly. "You can ride her whenever and whenever you want. Estrella wouldn't let anyone else get near her."
Marina smiled and hugged Estrella before she said to Herman, "Thank you Herman. Can you tell me more about her?"
"She was just a young mare when the rangers found her injured and from a herd of wild horses, beyond the Mountains of Jor in the east," explained Herman. "She probably wouldn't have survived out there much longer. Believe it or not, there were people who actually wanted to harm her ("Like I let them," said Marina protectively and the horse whinnied fiercely as she inched closer to her new rider protectively). They brought her back to the stables, in time, she learned to trust me. But she's still very headstrong and spirited. As you saw, not many people had managed to get a foot near Estrella — until you arrived. It's amazing."
"Thanks for telling me this." Marina beamed at Estrella as the beautiful mare laid her head onto Marina's right shoulder, while the teenage girl petted Estrella's cheek.
"You're welcome," said Herman. "Why don't you try riding your new mare in the paddock?"
"Lets do it." Marina smiled determinedly and Herman gave her a lead bridle. She smiled as Estrella didn't cause much trouble as she did back in the paddock earlier and let Marina lead her out of the small paddock.
Aunt Liliana had somehow caught wind of it, she gave some freshly cleaned tack that's been passed down in the family for many years. It wasn't long till Estrella was wearing very unique tack, including a brown Eastern Druid saddle with a druid marking on the side and in the center of the saddle collar is a bright silver pendant that resembles Marina's amulet. There's a brown bridle with a pattern of blue stripes. While her riding blanket is bright blue that sparkled like constellations of rainbow-colored stars sewed into the fabric. Aunt Liliana had also brought Marina a black helmet and brown fingerless riding gloves.
Marina was uncertain about riding again, but her anxiety faded away as Estrella lovingly nuzzled her head against hers. She strapped her fingerless riding gloves and put the helmet onto her head. It has been over five years since she last wore riding gear, but Marina was glad to have it again. She felt nothing, but determined and excited to be horseback riding again.
It was a clear, breezy day, and trees were swaying in the wind. It was a good day to start riding again. Marina glanced up at Estrella, who looked completely calm. Out of the corner of Marina's eye, she could see that Aunt Liliana and Herman were both studying the horse too. They left behind a tree-lined road and the yellow brick buildings and walked out through the north gate, which led to the big paddock.
Marina put her foot in one of the stirrups and flung herself onto the saddle. She slipped her other foot into other stirrup and took hold of the reins. They walked on slowly in a circle inside of the paddock.
After a few minutes, Marina had finally stopped trembling. Estrella walked forward smoothly and gently, peering up at Marina. If horse can smile, Estrella just did. She smiled back at the mare and felt a gentle touch of tears in her eyes. This time, it was tears of joy and massive pride. She's finally back in the saddle!
After a bit, Estrella trotted for a bit until she finally broke into a smooth, flowing canter. They were flying together, as though they're one in the same. Marina felt the gentle wind rushed through her. She was intensely aware of Estrella's movements underneath her. She felt herself smiling and Estrella let out a loud whinny. While Herman laughed joyfully and Aunt Liliana started clapping proudly.
I did it! I'm riding again! Marina smiled as she gently petted Estrella's neck as the mare looked up at Marina proudly and she said to her new partner, "Thank you Estrella." Estrella whinnied and it wasn't long they started galloping. They were soaring together, as though they're one in the same. Marina felt the whooshing of the wind going through her. I'm finally with a partner.

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