We Rescue Steven and I Meet Moonknight (Again)

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Karma's POV

I hopped onto Layla's bike and we took off in the direction they were taking Steven. I have my arms wrapped tight around her, the fast breeze making my hair fly at my face. The cold night air nips at my skin. I find myself putting my cheek against her shoulder for warmth. Once I realized my action, I pulled away, heat rushing to my face.

"So, uh, Layla", I started. "How did you meet this "Marc?"

I tried making a short conversation. It was better to get to know this woman than to treat her as a side character. I know what it's like to be treated like that...

"We met, like five years ago. And uh, he was sweet. Real sarcastic, funny. A great guy once you get to know him"

What a charmer...Is his go-to-move is getting with girls then divorcing them outta nowhere?

"Funny, I've been hearing the opposite from others" I joke.

"Same here. I have no idea what Marc has been doing but it's concerning me" Layla confides.

"Listen, Layla", I sigh. "Steven is telling the truth. He's forever been the awkward, egyptology geek he is. It's only recently, has things been...strange".

Layla nods but I can tell from the side mirror of her bike, that she's hesitant to believe me.

I look around us a few moments. The city was almost empty, but streetlights remained bright, and a few cars passed by. The city itself was unrecognizable, so I had a feeling we were close.

"Are we there?" I ask for clarification.

Just as I asked, we sharply turned to a steet. We slowed down til we made a stop by an alley way.

"We are".

We get off and we look around for any people. It was vacant, so made our way that lead to cult's location.


We snuck around til we heard the voice of Steven and Harrow. As we drew closer, I can see Steven get cornered by Harold's followers. Harrow is demanding him to give back the scarab.

I see Steven take a step back, telling Harold no. My heart starts to race.

I feel my blood boil as I watch Harold cage Steven, drawing closer towards him, threatening him.

Without thinking, i grabbed the scarab from Layla's hands and marched into the scene, determined to save my friend.

"I have it!" I declare, making my presence known. I held up the scarab, for all to see.

Harold turns to me and stretches out his hand. I walk closer to the two men, while eyeing the spectators that are his followers.

"You couldn't possibly understand the value of what you're holding" Harold says.

"Kara? Wha-" Steven mutters.

"Save your breath, old man. I completely know what it is, I've seen it".

Thats a complete lie. I have no idea what this is

"And from my understanding, a thing like this shouldn't belong in the grimey hands of a sadistic killer" I snark back.

"I'm no killer, I'm simply putting killers away for good. Before they can do any damage" he counters.

"Now, let me have that, I'll keep it safe" Harold persuades.

"Hmm, nope!" I say, giving the scarab back to Layla.

A sudden booming voice almost distracts me. I see the familiar shape of that bird thing, now known as Khonshu, in the corner of my eye.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2022 ⏰

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