Chapter 1

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   Do you know how special people are made? And I’m not talking about special famous people or autistic people. I'm talking about special people with special abilities. Mutants to be exact. Humans were always afraid of mutants because of what they could do that some were a threat to them, like walking through walls to break in banks or any powers that can do any serious harm. Because of these beliefs, a highly known company called EMC (Engage Mutant Capturing) went out to every home, every business and every school to scan everyone and capture the mutants to execute them. Millions have died from brutal deaths but some manage to escape and hide somewhere where the humans would never find them. Far away from the city of Alaska.

   Those few have been living in their hideout for 60 years and have grown back their population. A young man named David Cartervill who had the power to control the earth was getting tired of living like this so he and his girlfriend, Katy Smith who had the power to control the wind, took the risk of getting themselves killed by putting themselves out in public with the permission of the mayor and gave a speech of how the humans should give mutants a second chance in life and show that not all powers cause harm, but even if the powers could cause damage it doesn’t mean that the mutant will use it for evil. That's just a summary of the speech, but after the speech, the humans cheered and the mayor allowed all the mutants that survived to come back out in public and live as if they were normal. 

   To add to this small happy ending, David and Katy got married and had a son named Midnight Cartervill. Since his parents had similar powers that can be used for natural disasters, Midnight was known to have the power of fire. It came to him when he was five years old. He was in 1st grade and other mutants started to attack and pick on him, since fire is a representative for rage and hot-temperedness. Midnight got too angry and fought back against the other kids. That's when, suddenly, his fists were on fire; he nearly set the entire playground in a blaze. Before things could have gotten worse, a little boy with the power of water managed to get water from the water fountains and spray Midnight with the water to cool him off. Of course, Midnight got suspended for the next few days.

   Ever since that day, David and Katy kept a close eye on their son and also took him back to the old mutant hideout that is now a school for only mutants so they could learn to control their power, not only to use it wisely but to set it off once it’s out. 

   To answer the question, mutants can be created by chemicals, experiments, or just simply born that way. Terrakima Racine--our next character--had human parents no one in the family tree had powers. The parents had a wonderful time with their daughter, experiencing her trying to talk to her first step. 

   One night a mutant broke into the Racine’s home and found Terrakima sleeping soundly in her crib. He took a small needle and injected her with a serum that can turn a human into a mutant. Just like Midnight, Terrakima’s powers came to her at a certain age, except hers came when she was only two years old. She was only playing with her toys and when she got too excited she had the floor and the stairs turned to ice, and her mother was on those stairs, she slipped and hit her head… then died. When the husband saw this all happen, he decided to get rid of the baby. 

   It was snowing outside, heavily snowing, and Mr. Racine took baby Terrakima to the park and laid her down in the snow at the edge of a hill, with frozen water at the bottom. Yes, he meant to do what he’s doing, he felt angry for his child ‘killed’ his wife. He ran away leaving the baby crying and squirming having the snow beneath her crumble. 

   Meanwhile, Midnight was at the age of seven and was practicing how to make a fire with his dad, they both saw Mr. Racine put something down but couldn’t see what it was, they saw him leave. Midnight heard the cry and rushed to where he heard it. Before young Terrakima fell downhill, Midnight caught her in time and looked to see Mr. Racine running across the busy street, “Wait!!” but it was too late for Mr. Racine planned this along the way, he committed suicide by getting hit by a semi-truck. David saw what happened and came over to the children. He sees little Terrakima and petted her head as Midnight kept her close to his body keeping her warm, “What are we going to do dad..? We can’t leave her here” little Midnight said. David felt sympathy for the two year old he didn’t know if she had another family member and doesn’t want to put her up for adoption, for he can feel the energy that Terrakima has, he can sense that she’s a mutant like them, which he predicts why the father was doing this. “She will stay with us, my son” Katy contracted a terrible disease and passed away a few years ago, they were planning on having another child, but could not, Midnight always wanted a brother or sister, so now that he has one, he will teach her that they’re not blood but will always be a part of their family. “We’ll take care of you….. Terria.” 

Hey guys Fire and Ice is back, and will continue with the next upcoming chapters--sorry for the delay. Be ready for the update every Friday. Again, hope you like the story and please don't be shy to leave comments, I'd love to read your opinions.

See you next time. Byeee!

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