Chapter 17

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After two days of preparing and practicing the speech that Linda had helped prepare. Terria has been practicing with Linda for one day and eight hours. She was even mumbling, every single word of the paper not even looking at it, trying to memorize it. Yes, it’ll be with her on the podium but she still has to learn it. They all agreed that Midnight was going to stand behind Terria’s left shoulder, David would stand by the staircase of the stage, and Linda, Amaro, and Peter would stand within the crowd far from each other in case anything happens. While Terria would tell the speech to the citizens telling them that she is sorry. 

Everyone is in the downtown area in the city, Peter, Linda, and Amaro are in the crowd, David is by the stairs, and Terria and Midnight are on the stage. Terria watches all of the people of Alaska, men, women, children, and elders all come to hear the speech. EMC soldiers all stand around the stage to block any citizen from going near the teens. 

Terria breathes fast as she's getting nervous again, she thought that it wouldn’t be this packed with humans and mutants. She starts to back away from the podium with her breathing growing, she bumps into Midnight as she turns and drops her head, “I can’t do this... There are too many people” 

Midnight cups her face and makes her look at him in his eyes, “Terria, you don’t have to be afraid… you said it yourself that they need to hear this from you. I’m going to be right behind you. You can do this Terria, I know you can” Terria takes a deep breath and nods, feeling a little confident about this. She turns back around and sees her friends giving her a thumbs up wishing her luck, Terria starts to calm herself and reads the speech:

“I don’t expect anyone to forgive me for my doings over the last three months and a few days…. But I do want to let you, the people, know that I am sorry for what I have done. I did not mean to make everyone suffer, even if they were my own kind and my friends.  I do not wish to bring more damage to this wonderful city of Alaska, this is my home… our home. A place where good memories are built, memories that are made by our friends…”

Terria pauses looking at each of her friends that stand in the crowd as they smile. 

“Our family….”

Then looks over at David, saying with her eyes ‘thank you for being my father when mine abandoned me.' 

“And our loved ones…”

Terria looks behind her seeing Midnight almost in tears, he thought that Terria was doing a perfect job, even though it was Linda that made most of the speech. Terria spoke from her heart when they were writing it down on paper. He was proud of his best friend, his lover. Terria reaches for his hand Midnight gladly takes it and walks forward to stand beside her, as Terria continues the speech. 

“Someone once told me that our special abilities don’t have to be used for destruction, but can be used to bring such beautiful wonders to those around us. To never be afraid of what we can do. That we all learn from our mistakes, whether we are human or mutant. And that is what I have learned from my past mistakes. I have learned to control my abilities and not let them control me by using my fears against me to harm my home and my loved ones. As I have said…. I do not expect you all to forgive me for what I have caused you. But to give not only me… but every mutant a second chance to live in peace. Live as one. Where there will be no violence against each other...

“I am sorry”

It went quiet for a while, you know when you do something that you have worked on for a long time..? And you’ve worked so hard to memorize it and then you expect a response of any kind but you get nothing but dead silence, and then you play that cricket sound in your head. Well, that's what's going on for Terria and everyone else, Terria grips her hand against Midnight's afraid of what's going to happen. David looked at the Mayor as they look at each other for a second then at the crowd, then Amaro, Linda, and Peter were getting prepared to do anything necessary to keep their friends safe.   

But then all of a sudden they heard someone clapping then soon turned to a few more, now it was the entire crowd that has filled the downtown area of the city. Everyone was clapping and cheering for Terria’s speech, they forgive her, every human and mutant forgave Terria for what she has done, accidentally, Terria smiles widely and looks at Midnight as they then hug each other tightly, “I’m proud of you Terria.”

The three friends that are in the crowd ran up to the stage and then hugged the couple, causing them to fall and laugh like little toddlers at a sleepover. Mayor and David walked up to the pile of friends and chuckled at the sight.

In that moment, a few little kids came up to Terria, as the teens stood up, a little girl walked closer to Terria, and with a shy voice and look she asked, “I’ve… never seen s--snow. Can… can you show us?” Terria looks at the kids and then back at her friends as they all nod. They remember how Terria made something incredible back at the school, so in their heads, they're saying ‘do it again’.

Terria takes the kids to the center and looks all around, seeing everyone smile just waiting to see what wonders she can do. “You ready?” she asked as the kids all nodded, Terria spins in a circle to create ice and snow as everyone else would watch in amazement. Terria then made the trees turn into beautiful winter trees with the long leaves turning ice, and freezing the fountains. She now cups her hands and throws them up in the air as the small snow that she created explodes and snowflakes dance around them as they fall. “Wow! THIS IS AMAZING!!” the girl said, the rest of the kids went to play snowball fight as well as some parents and mutants. Even Amaro, Linda, and Peter. 

Midnight is sneaking from behind Terria to get revenge. He made his big snowball and threw it at Terria, causing her to fall on the snowy ground. She sits up with a shocked expression on her face and looks at Midnight, seeing him laughing his butt off at the fact that Terria is covered in the cold snow. “Hahahaha..!! Gotcha!!”

‘You wanna play that game Midnight? Alright then, let's play’ 

Terria stands back up while smirking at Midnight, she then looks over at the girl and whispers in her ear, “Watch this.” Terria waves her hands horizontally and a swirl of snow is created. The kids that were watching the scene were all giggling and laughing as Midnight then got suspicious and sat up, “What?” was all he could say.

The kids point up above his head letting him know that something is above him, Midnight looks up to see the swirling snow then looks at Terria as if he's saying ‘please don’t’ with his eyes. But as he looks at his lover, Terria drops the snow hard on his head. All the children laugh and Terria grins as they see Midnight holding his head with both hands he groans cause to him, he feels that he has a brain freeze. Terria walks over to Midnight then sits on his lap, facing him, “That's why you never sneak up on someone with ice powers, my love” she said looking deep into his hazel eyes. Midnight wraps his arms around Terria’s waist bringing her closer to his warm body, “And why is that?”

“You might not know what punishment you will receive” Terria wraps her arms around his neck to bring his lips to meet hers and all the little imps took off to their parents crying out ‘Ewww!’ The couple just chuckles and continue kissing, “I love you Terria”

“I love you too... Always” 

Here it is, the final chapter! Yay! 🥳

Hope you guys found this book pleasant. I will admit that this might not be my best book but I still loved writing it.

If you are intrested in books with love 💕, demons 😈 , mystery 🧐, Satan 👹 check out my converstations in my profile to see the release date of my new book: The Love of a Demon

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