The Table; the journey 1

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McValious Pov

Before responding to the individual I noticed that the king had left and turned to the 7 people before me. Well first I think I should hear your name sir.

Time Skip

Having travelled about 2weeks across the land the group looked better than expected though Eveil looked quite winded, I didn't expect much but compared to others like Sir Cardigan and Ms. Betrel both researchers(scientists and other science stuff) themselves in their sixties I expected better from a 40yr old man. We can stop here for the day the Ethereal woods are about a day or two off, glancing at the people of my party I counted Delvio a craftsman(wood,leather worker etc) Angus and Calvin forgers(metal workers, miners) and myself woodsman(out door dude like tracking,hunting). The king however disliked the idea of sending more fighting power as he said and I quote the borders need them more McVamious, my king, my name is..... be quiet won't you! yes as I said the borders need them more.

Line Break

Ms. Betrel Pov

The ethereal woods a wonderful place filled with creatures of all manners, this is so exciting! seeing my fellow researcher excited like this also affected me and no sooner I too was looking around in awe. Careful now due another application of that scent masker, sparing a glance at the woodsman Sir McVelious I observed him with a relaxed look on his face oozing confidence but rather tense as well alert for any danger. Feeling grateful for his presence, I recalled a older time when myself and the others were young and naive struggling through some goblin woods. Speaking again he said first on the list is finding the heart of the forest to gather epicefrical wood stalks is what they're called right?, a confirming grunt came from Delvio.

Time Skip courtesy of running and walking khousers

Narrowly missing a jab at his throat we watched with baited breath a fight between McVel(mcvelious  short call) and a barfet creatures with a Lions head, they tower at 7feet and are  equipped with sharp arms gorilla like feet and body of a old old man.
Quite the workout he said after killing the beast clapping him on the back Angus collected a crystal that had fallen. Calvin muttering about McVel hogging the beast had finished clearing our path forward, I heard Eveil gasp I quickly found why, below was a vast expance of trees ranging from blues to greens to reds and purples.
the heart of the ethereal woods.

Calvin Pov

I gazed upon the mass of trees...minerals....jewels wait weren't those from minerals?, with dufficulty I tore my gaze away and cast it upon my fellow travelers or should I say servants on orders who were wearing a similar look of awe.
After spending time lost in the beauty of the ethereal woods' heart, we were reminded that the heart moves locations every few hours and we needed to move faster. The king wanted his table and he wanted it in two months! at this point, I start to complain outloud we've already spent 3weeks out here for goodness sake man I had to leave my family for this... summon my forgers and their hammers and anvils... i'll summon a hammer alright to bash in your f--- ahhh! dangling from my harness and trying hard to hide my embarrassment, Angus offered support and I could tell he was trying not laugh the others however had ultimately failed, clear joyous laughter echoed through the forest.

However the climb happened to be the best part and only luck and prayers kept Eveil from death and myself from cursing his lack of any skill what so ever.
Spreading out near the trees, we picked the youngest and dullest and began to cut as ( they meaning the researchers,craftsman and woodsman all said it would 1 there easier to cut 2 the beasts of the forest will not be given more of a reason to kill us and 3 well its also less stressful without having to worry about the trees attacking you and king fatso wouldn't  care enough to know.

Delvio Pov

We spent so much time in the forest us leaving was harder than expexted the heart had unfourtunately changed locations and we were now bordering the land of Ivlayia.
This is a problem, muttering under his breath McVel tries to plot our course to meten mine a place to find some more of some kind. Wait a minute how do we know how were're building the table and what were're building it with? The one who answered was Eviel, before we left Sir McVelious and i had asked the king what to build the table out of and Prince Deddinus had said wood from the ethereal woods and metal, since i will have it soon enough anyway cause Your too big and stupid brother Bartal.
Well this had set him off so.. no answer but he did respond on the day before we left and said the best wood from the ethereal woods and ore from Havelh's(really famous and renow forget said to be a son of hepheastus) personal stores.
Did he just take his brothers idea just like that ? Yea they don't value family very much he responded.

so I've completed most of table;the journey and will be finishing it next chapter

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2022 ⏰

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