Dating or Hallucinations?

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Marinette: I started seeing someone.

Damian: Slightly jealous, as in dating or hallucinations?

Marinette: Innocently which would you prefer?

Damian: Either seeing as it far from important 

Marinette: If you say so 


Jason: Did it work? Do you have demon spawn wrapped around your finger?

Marinette: Shaking her head, nope he didn't even care

Jason: I have an idea 

Marinette: What is it? 

Jason: Replacement, get over here!

Tim: Pops out of nowhere with coffee, what? 

Jason: As of now your dating pixie

Marinette & Tim: WHAT!!!

Tim: Why? No offence but why?

Marinette: None taken, now why?

Jason: We have to get a certain demon jealous 

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