Welcome to the deathtrap

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An echo of a voice rang through his head "Devil", the word devil was repeated to him.

By what by who? Well to that much he had yet to figure out himself.

Numbers flashed through his eyes 1 2 3. Eventually the whatever those were settled down.

He looked around, he didn't know where he was looking up he saw a hole?

Sighing he saw a lever the same thing echoing devil echoed to pull it.

What choice did he really have?

He pulled the lever as the ground underneath him began to rise.

He sighed Standing his feet in a fighting stance, he felt something shuffling on his back grabbing it and pulling it off.

He didn't know what it was but it was familiar, he decided he would keep it unsure what to do with it he put it back on his back.

Now then to focus where was he? He could see the surface not to far away...

He had no idea where he was or who he was, all he had was whatever it was he saw before waking up. Sighing, he eventually came to a wall seeing names before seeing the name 'Faded' was he Faded? But how does one forget their name? Amnesia? He wasn't old enough for that was he? Wait no that's not how it works. He sighed, he knew one thing for sure though, He was Faded.

Sighing he left where the names where coming to a gap in the wall, "Hmm." He cooed, taking step after step slowly as if he were balancing.

Faded sighed looking around, corridors. "Why have a hallway with a dead end?" He muttered to himself.

He walked over a tripwire, hearing the sound he cursed under his breath as an arrow shot toward him impaling him.

"Well that's gonna be a pain to deal with." He sighed, Faded had made the connection that wherever he was it was a death trap.

He just continued deeper in, he could go back later besides others would just hurt him.

Faded didn't know why but he remembered so many people hurting him, their faces and names were blurred but it had happened when he saw the numbers.

Who were any of those people anyway? Did it even matter? Probably not.

Faded didn't want anyone to hurt him again so he had left where people would of been.

Slowly he turned a corner seeing a skull, his stomach twisted.

"What in the" He muttered before cutting himself off "Death trap faded death trap." He sighed as he began to walk back to that clearing.

He knew one of those names called to him he just didn't know which one.

He had to go back didn't he? Besides maybe the people wouldn't hurt him?

What if he was just paranoid?

Eventually he stepped foot back into the clearing, looking around he couldn't see anyone shrugging he just walked around looking for someone, anyone.

There were multiple names Faded knew that, there was no way he was alone.

Sighing he walked back to the wall with names reading them over and over as if in a trance.

Eventually sighing he pulled his scythe off his back and closed his eyes. Getting into a stance as if preparing to throw it.

Sighing he let out a heavy breath and let go of the scythe, he stared at it before realising it wasn't a generic scythe.

"War scythe" he spoke as the blade stuck into the d of his name on the wall...

Faded shrugged and just went up to the wall grabbing his scythe before sliding it back onto his back.

"I'll name the walls Aries Hades Hermes and Thesuses, the wall with the hole will be Thesuses." He told himself

"Now then 15 names, one of them is mine which means there are 14 others. Am I the last? Did they all leave already? Did they all die already?" He asked himself curious looking at the names sighing.

"What was that?" He questioned shrugging Hearing the sound of shuffled feet.

"Must've been the wind" He told himself

"What was that?" He questioned shrugging Hearing the sound of shuffled feet.

"Must've been the wind" He told himself.

He heard someone shout and sighed, "guess it wasn't the wind He stated" as he walked over.

"who the heck even are you? What did you expect when you came at me with a dagger?" Asked one of the people.

"A short person obviously" he cut in with a sigh. "And who are you hooded man?" One of the people asked.

Faded sighed, "I am Faded. Put the dagger down if I wanted to kill you which I don't but I could you would already be dead." He sighed, "Uhh welcome to the deathtrap" he said a smile all to erie for what he had said.

One person said something to the other before saying "Wait death trap?" Was Questioned

Faded nodded "There's a wall with a gate in it, beyond that wall it's deadly there was a skull of some guy who died" he stated calmly pulling an arrow off of his shoulder.

One of the people's noses twitched at his comment he was however unphased.

Faded just sighed, "Well uhh if you need me I'll probably be dead so don't come looking" He sighed walking off.

That was enough speaking to people he was going to go back in that deathtrap back in that maze.

He walked back in the maze again this time he stepped over the trip wire, the benifits of being tall.

Eventually he had gone pretty deep in, he wondered if something would happen at night.

He had a good enough memory he could make it back from wherever so he was gonna try and find an exit then go back to the other people and get them out.

"Not the best plan good enough though" he told himself.

Eventually he could feel something or someone calling to him. He had been walking so far but begun running.

As he got deeper and deeper in he realised he didn't know the way back 100% he had a solid idea but if he was even slightly wrong he may be there awhile.

He was gonna be awhile anyway.

Slowly he came to a stop there was a chest, an odd sign above it perhaps a coded message, he shrugged opening it and pulling out a book hearing a distant roar shrugging as he opened the book...

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