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"Congratulations solider, are you sure you want to use that and not stick the javelin?" Faded saw someone ask him he didn't respond with words a simple nod that seemed to be all that was needed, why didn't he display emotion? Through the imagines he saw that seemed to be a common trait he saw another flash he was in a training grounds practicing aim with a scythe why a scythe and not a bow that was not something he would know for memories had long since been stolen.

Faded woke up with a start looking around, he was just in the maze corridor funny thing it was, he had found some food and other items in the maze from his night in it, the night felt like it lasted for over a week but he knew that was impossible. He may be unstable but his not insane he dusted himself off and got up walking into the glade.

He just simply yawned looking at the book he had selected "the dark arts curious" he simply muttered
He just sniffed and walked towards the wall of names starring towards one of them "Answers that's all I need answers.” He told himself tapping a foot in anticipation, He started toward the name and pulled his scythe off his back it all felt like second nature, he simply closed his eyes and threw the scythe opening them to see the scythe land in the name 'Aspen' "You" he simply spoke going closer and picking his scythe up.

He simply turned and starred toward the elevator sniffing "hmm Freshblood, why am I calling it that I probably sound like some sort of killer I am no killer I think." He spoke to himself withdrawing his scythe. He simply just started following the smell not really sure what to expect maybe someone that he could talk to without being afraid of him, wait no those people weren't afraid of him but the deathtrap.

He sighed and just continued  walking He eventually entered the forest and just ended up behind Aspen "why hello there."

Faded saw the person yelp turn around and they questioned him "who are you and what do you want?" Faded sighed, "My name Is Faded, What I want? Well first of all Aspen l want you to lower that dagger I assure you I am no threat if I was you wouldn't be standing." He spoke a honest tone in his voice. "You didn't say your name did you- uhh you heard nothing anyways what's your name?"

They raised an eyebrow "Aspen? Who's that?" They asked he could hear the uneasiness in their voice. "And to answer your question I don't remember my name" they said stepping back not lowering their dagger. Faded nodded, "Yeah most of us don't. Look I'm not gonna hurt you there are others there not dangerous and if any of them hurt you, let's just say they won't get away with it. I do have an idea on how to find your name if your interested" Faded offered.

They still seemed unconvinced, "and follow some I don't even know? Sorry but I think I'll stay here for now." They replied he could tell they where trying not to sound mad he nodded. "that's fair. Your not gonna know anyone if you refuse to get to know people though, sort of making your argument not the greatest. No one knows anyone, but ehh do as you please just know if you ever need help or anything just think the word Faded." Faded spoke shrugging before seeing a figure in the woods who looked familiar "Huh."

The figure seemed to be someone who looked exactly like him just their outfit was red, he ran towards the figure trying to find out who they where, he didn't know if the person had spoken he wasn't paying attention. "Pathetic" the figure spoke disappearing leaving Faded tripping over a stick hitting the ground.

Faded saw himself and the figure in the same room "You really are a disappointment you don't even remember me." Faded then saw himself and the child from before again he then saw the figure hold a gun to the child's head. "Even after you stole what was supposed to be mine from me, you where never supposed to be born I was supposed to be the greatest."
Faded found himself back at that military camp thing but everyone seemed to be aiming guns at him maybe it was a different one.
"Everything that is bad all that is misery it is all your fault you- you devil."
Faded then saw himself on one knee with the person he had held hands with before.
"And I will be the hero responsible for ridding you from this earth."

Faded sighed getting up and dusting himself off turning back to where the person was, he knew their name he knew they didn't and he did not want to freak them out. At least he was pretty sure he knew their name Afterall they and the name plate smelt so similar to similar to not be on purpose. "I don't really know you and you don't know me but every bone, atom, organ in my body tells me to fight wars for you so I shall protect you most likely from afar." He spoke to himself not expecting anyone to hear hoping no one would hear and then sniffed again "more people, hopefully not a threat to that one." He thought aloud looking around for his book to see it burnt at least nine pages left. "What the?"

He simply sighed and turned towards the maze and scribbled a note by the gate: Hello whoever finds this please don't go in the maze for a bit and look after the clearing if I come back to weeds I'll chop a tree resulting in oxygen loss well I won't but like just let's not all get lost in here ya'know make sure at least one person stays thanks.
He then sighed and began running into the deathtrap known as the maze.

He found himself somewhere he didn't know the child who he had been seeing was with him they seemed to be playing a game.

"Can't catch me dad!" The child called Faded just stared confused before it clicked the child was his.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2022 ⏰

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