Tale of long past

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"On a bed of roses did a butterfly lay, the butterfly crossed and gazed sighed.

Now this butterfly had friends, or so she thought but lost to time was she, no one ever came to help.

So she helped herself instead, wasting no time with tears, she flew off to greet the smell that she had always smelt.

The village called her insane for insisting on it all the time, but she was dire to reach what laid on the other side.

She had always been called pest but her peers and fake friends unbeknownst to what she was once called herself she dubbed: Autumn.

Autumn flew and flew before stopping at the end of a path there still did a boy and girl lay.

She flew over them she sensed their stress, and she was feed for her comfort.

Concealed and cancelled, a monarch butterfly watched overhead, a king of her kind, a king in her mind.

The two humans kissed as the monarch flew onto the one named after a flower's nose.

Soon Autumn left her mission of providing comfort archived still she smelt the smell.

Eventually she found a wolf, it had been 100 years she didn't know how or why she was alive.

This wolf it was injured and she used all her might to drag this wolf to help.

There she met a stranger who would grab her in a jar, lost into darkness there is no despair.

Her fate unknown,
The wolf unseen.

2 34 72 89 1." He read aloud calmly, he felt relaxed calm and safe.

Faded had no idea what presence it was that he was sensing but it felt comfortable.

"I've found plenty of stuff in here wasn't expecting that" he stated staring at a guitar a smirk in hand sly smile.

He saw a grey blur rush past "What was that?" he asked himself confusing fighting stance drawn.

But there was nothing, he sighed shrugging it off and walking off as if nothing had happened.

He slowly felt himself falling, a slumber emerging encasing him.

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