Chapter 10: Fell In Makai

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Get it cause he "Fell" in Makai

Laugh or ill suck your d-
3rd POV

Horror: "Oh hey boss"

Nightmare: "Well looks like the incident is done" he pointed the dead bodies of the Lunarians

Killer: "Yeah but we didn't expect the Lunarians to came here"

Nightmare: "He said that this incident doesn't involve the rabbits yet..... We might have to tell him this"

Killer: "Also, is the mind controlling done?"

Nightmare: "Ask HIM yourself" he then disappeared

Horror: "Let's go" then both teleports in the mansion, then Killers soul then went inside his body, then Patchouli saw Horror

Patchouli: "Hello there, Horror"

Horror: "Hey there bookworm" he then starts glitching

Horror: "Oh looks like my time is over" he then turns into Y/n

Y/n: "Oh hey, Patchouli*yawns* am going to bed"

Patchouli: "It's already morning" he then walks to his room and Patchouli follows him

Shortly after they arrive at his room, opens it, and take off his jacket, falls into bed, and she tucks Y/n

Patchouli: "Is he on his way?"

Y/n: "Yeah.."

Patchouli: "I still can't believe you send him into Makai all by himself" he then instantly sleeps

Patchouli: "Soon..." she pulled out something from her pocket showing a purple heart

Scene change

????: "AHHHHHHHHHH!!" he crashed down from his fall

????: "Oww..." he later got up and look around

????: "I'll make sure that dumbass freak is dead!!, so this is Makai, huh"

????: "I'll make sure that dumbass freak is dead!!, so this is Makai, huh"

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Fell!Sans: "I thought Makai is like hell, buring place, demons"

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Fell!Sans: "I thought Makai is like hell, buring place, demons"

?????: "Yeah" Fell turn around and saw G Fell Sans

?????: "Yeah" Fell turn around and saw G Fell Sans

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Fell: "Am surprise your here G"

G!Fell: "Well they said that you'll need my help cause this place is really dangerous"

Fell: "Tch, I can handle it on my own" he walks away

G!Fell: "Am helping you anyway, even if you don't like it, asshole" he follows him but unknowingly, someone is watching them

?????: "I must report this to Mistress" she vanished with a yellow blur

G!Fell: "Did you sense that.." Fell looked at G with an annoyed face

Fell: "Sense what?, have you got mad or something!?"

G!Fell: 'It's gone.... Someone must be watching us, better keep my guard up'

Fell: "Have you gone mad!?, hey!, am talking to you!!" G sans then walk past Fell and Fell got more mad

After a while

Just as they were walking demons appeared around them but they still continued walking

G!Fell: "....."

Fell: "....."

Oni: "Whats this?, new commers"

Oni#2: "There not a yokai or a human"

Oni#3: "They're just a bag of bones, plus I sense they have a high magic... Enough to bring us back in Gensokyo"

Oni#4: "Well what are we waiting here for?, Attack!" they all charge at them while they were not surprise

Fell: "Looks like we'll have to take out the trash first" his left eye glowed red

G!Fell: "Yeah" he throws his cigarette at the ground and steps it



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====================================Am really sorry if this is short

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Am really sorry if this is short

I have a fucking fever, again am sorry

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