Chapter 5. Short Blue

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3rd POV

We see our MC washing the plates with the help with some fairys, After he was done washing the dishes he wipe his hands. He then put his hands to his pockets and went to the roof of the mansion

Y/n: "This is nice"

Dust: "I haven't had this much peace in a long time"

Y/n: "Yeah...." he summons a bottle of ketchup and he drinks it

Until a red portal opened and came out a blue haired boy with a microphone in hand with a confuse face, Y/n looked at the blue haired until dust remembered something

Dust: "That kid!?"

Y/n: 'What wrong?'

Dust: "That's the kid who rap battled me and killed me.... His name is Boyfriend"

Y/n: 'Oh, so Moro decided send Boyfriend so he can rap battle me, huh?'

Boyfriend: "Beep"

Y/n: "Let me guess, you want to rap battle?"

Boyfriend: "Beep!" he throws a microphone at Y/n and he catches it

Y/n: "I'll take that as a yes"

(Song name: Phantom Rush)

Song starts

(That's your vocals)

(Song End)

Y/n: "Huh, your good"

Boyfriend: "Beep!"

Sakuya: "What with the.... noise.. Y/n, who is this?"

Y/n: "Oh this is Boyfriend"

Boyfriend: "Beep"

Sakuya: "How did he get here?"

Y/n: "A portal"

Remilia: "Is this Yukari's doing?" Remilia came out of the shadows beside Sakuya holding an umbrella with Flandre, Koakoma, Meiling, and Patchouli

Y/n: "Nah it's a different portal not her, so wanna continue?"

Boyfriend: "Yeah!"

(Song name: Hell Ghost)

Press Shift to dodge Ghost Danmaku

Song starts

(Song End)

Patchouli: "That was pretty good, Y/n"

Y/n: "Thanks"

Flandre: "I wanna try too!"

Y/n: "Come here then" Flandre when beside Y/n and Boyfriend give Flander a microphone, Y/n summons his Blaster and sit on it

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