30: Dark Dreams

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Sevei's morning tea was served with an inconvenient message from the Lord Protector of Valesk: the King would send an emissary to meet with the Crown Prince of Brinland in Tharlburg. Both Generals were ordered to attend. Presumably, the Generals of the downriver Brinnish units would be there as well.

Sevei glared at the official seal on the page, tossing it irritably onto the table under his tent awning. Maybe it was just his hangover talking, but he wasn't sure he could stomach whatever bad ideas the royals of both countries might cook up. Especially not if they might interfere with certain plans.

As he sat down, he squinted into the brightening sun outside and beckoned to Meira, having her own tea with Nal in front of Urskatha's tent.

"Is he up yet?" Sevei asked when she came over, bringing her cup along.

"Lieutenant Thelan gave him a rather strong sleeping draught last night," she answered, taking a seat. "Not that it helped much."

Sevei looked at her questioningly.

"Since Anwynd, he's been prone to dark dreams," Meira said quietly. "I'm afraid our discussions gave him a bad night."

Sevei looked across the courtyard guiltily, and nodded. "Well, let him sleep for now. This will still be here when he wakes."

He pushed the letter across the table towards her and refilled their cups as she read it.

"I can't imagine he'd want to be seen by royalty in his state," Sevei said. "Think he'll be alright by tomorrow?"

"He was much steadier on his feet last night."

"Good to hear. If we're going into town, I thought I might stop in to see Kyrzhan and ensure that your arrangements are still in place. If Yeresym would come with me, it might reassure him."

"I'll convince him," Meira smiled, "and I'll come along as well. I'm quite eager to meet your good friend."

"I should send a message today, let Kyri know to expect us. I don't suppose one of your people could just pop over there with it? To his shop on the high street, of course. They'll see that he gets it."

"Write a note. I'll find someone."

"Well," Sevei said through a yawn, rolling his shoulders back, "I suppose I should get to planning for the actual business, now that we've got our personal plans sorted."

Meira reached forward and grasped his hand as he went for his teacup again.

"Thank you," she said with a meaningful gaze. "I don't know if I could really do this without your help."

Sevei squeezed her small hand and sighed deeply.

"I certainly will miss you, though."

As noon arrived with still no stirring from his fellow General, Sevei carried a freshly-brewed pot of strong tea sweetened with honey across the command courtyard. Since waking from his coma, Yeresym probably hadn't had anything not laced with foul-tasting medicines. It wasn't an overly dramatic gesture, but perhaps it would do for an opening peace offering.

"General Urskatha?" he called, slipping himself along with the tray through the tent flap. Inside, the tent was quiet, and the air was heavy with the warmth of the sun glowing through the white canvas. A muffled groan came from the direction of the small camp bed.

Sevei took the tray to the bedside table and peered into the heap of blankets on the bed. Only the back of Yeresym's head was visible between the pillow and the quilt's edge, his silver-gold hair mussed and tangled, but still shining in the muted light.

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