32: Master Damah

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The second floor of the Golden Pearl housed the workshop where all those fine imported fabrics were tailored into fine luxury fashions. It was a bustling, industrious environment, with more than a dozen young men and women working at various stations around the large room, chattering happily amongst themselves amid a chaotic clutter of piled fabric bolts, mannequins, and shelves stuffed full of threads, buttons, trimmings, and the like.

As Kyrzhan and Anzen led the rest through the commotion, they were met with merry greetings for "Master Damah", and even the occasional "Uncle Vei" from a few familiar faces. Despite the lively atmosphere, though, Meira sidled close to Sevei wearing a troubled expression. When they passed four girls sitting near a window, embroidering a beaded embellishment along the vast hem of a gown spread over their laps, one of them glanced up with a timid smile, and Sevei heard Meira suppress a light gasp.

Sevei turned to her with a sympathetic gaze and a grim nod. He knew exactly what she must feel – many of the young people employed in this shop had escaped conditions of unspeakable misuse, at the hands of their families or of others. Sevei squeezed her shoulder lightly.

"Don't worry about them," he murmured, "they're all safe now."

Meira pursed her lips, blinking a bit of gleaming moisture from her eyes, and nodded distractedly.

After crossing the workshop, they were led into a spacious lounge with a small kitchen at one end. Kyrzhan closed the door, muffling most of the noise of the workshop, and Sevei immediately rounded on him.

"Kyri, what's going on at the Aviary?" he asked with anxious concern. "Why did we need to meet here?"

Kyrzhan looked as if he had no idea what Sevei could mean. "Here is where the Sergeant will come, temporarily," he answered with an innocent smile. "I have some rooms set aside for her upstairs. I thought she'd like to get the lay of things ahead of time."

Sevei glanced at Thelan where she stood quietly behind the group. "Your message made it sound like there was some trouble. Why did we need to steer clear?"

"Only for your own sake," Kyrzhan assured him. "Now that you've been guarding us for a while, won't more Tharlburgers know who you are? Surely you won't want to be seen in my den of debauchery now?"

Sevei narrowed his eyes on Kyrzhan suspiciously. "You would tell me if you were having trouble, wouldn't you?"

"Of course," Kyrzhan answered, patting Sevei's arm. "Now, let's all sit and Anzen will bring the tea."

They all settled in around a large table. Anzen pulled a chair for Kyrzhan, who gave him an affectionate smile as he moved away to the kitchen hearth to prepare the tea.

"You really should all stay for dinner," Kyrzhan invited. "The staff are roasting a venison in the back courtyard."

"Mmm, if only we weren't due elsewhere for dinner," Sevei said, "but the Royals need to tell us how to run our business. We're dining with a Valeskan emissary and the Brinnish Crown Prince tonight."

"Ah!" Anzen called from the hearth, "so that's what brought His Highness to town!"

"Anzen!" Kyrzhan chided him.

"I suppose he won't be back tonight, then," Anzen said with a devilish grin as he brought the tray over.

Sevei's brows rose. "Kyri... is Prince Rendrick a client?" he whispered. "Is that why you told me to stay away? Kyri..." His tone turned sharply from surprise to concern. "I've heard he can be... demanding. He doesn't mistreat you...?"

Anzen threw his head back and laughed heartily while Kyrzhan sighed at him with annoyance.

"I don't talk about my clients," Kyrzhan asserted, giving a pointed glare to Anzen.

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