37: Let's Do This

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Sevei awoke in the early morning with his heart in a panic. Alarms were going off all over camp – the alarms signaling an enemy attack. Someone outside the tent door was calling, "General Sevei!"

He had only a brief second to register the warm body nestled against his side, forehead leaning on his shoulder, before Yeresym shot up, threw off the blankets and, without a word, disappeared into nothing before his feet even hit the floor.

Sevei groaned as he quickly followed Yeresym's motion out of bed. He'd have loved to savor that moment a bit longer.

He untied the tent flap and drew it aside. Three young soldiers rushed inside without invitation, going at once to the corner of the tent where Sevei's arms were stored, efficiently gathering what he'd need for battle.

"Report," he snapped. One of the young men tossed him a set of heavy trousers and tunic to go under his armor, and he began to dress.

"Loranar's Alchemists are attacking Tharlburg..." said another.

Sevei's heart hitched momentarily as he thought of Kyrzhan, and his promise that the war wouldn't affect the town. With a deep breath, anger replaced fear, and he hurried his dressing.

"...and the war ships are coming up the river, carrying regular army," the soldier continued.

A two-front attack!? Cursing vehemently, Sevei sat on the edge of the still-warm bed to pull on stockings and boots, then stood and held his arms out as his three attendants came at him with the first layers of armor. In less than ten minutes, he was fully armed and ready.

General Sevei, General Urskatha, First Constable Yanek, and Lieutenant Thelan all strode out of their tents at the same time, the chiming and clanking of their armor composing a dissonant chorus as they converged on the map tent. They gathered around the table inside, where Captain Geir had already laid out a map of the region that included a layout of Tharlburg. Commander Bhari joined them a moment later, and Sevei peered around the tent, counting their number.

"Where is Sergeant Kahan?" he asked.

"She's ready," Commander Bhari answered. She looked across the table at Thelan and gave a short nod.

Yeresym took an anxious breath. "She should stay in camp. Tharlburg wasn't in the plan."

"Location is negligible," Thelan said.

"But you need to be near the river..."

"Not necessarily."

Bhari laid a hand on Yeresym's arm, her dark, veil framed eyes sympathetic. "Trust your Lieutenant," she said reassuringly. "If it doesn't work out this time..."

Yeresym gave her a warning look, then flicked his eyes toward Captain Geir, the only one of them not in on the plan. Captain Geir returned a knowing smile, then bent her head down over the map.

"You all just do what you should do. Don't mind me," she said. She laid a finger on the map of Tharlburg. "The messenger said they attacked a few buildings in the market district first. I propose our troop portal in there."

"Damn them..." Sevei muttered under his breath.

"I'll take most of our Martials to town," Yeresym said, "but I'll need you to take a few with the regular troops to the river."

"Yes, Sir," Geir answered.

"I guess you're with me, then," Sevei told her.

"You're not going to Tharlburg?" Yanek asked. "I thought you'd want to look in on Mr. Damah."

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