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When I turn around to walk away.
I hear a whine, I turn around. It's her (: she's awake.
She rubs her eyes and looks at me.
-hello- I say, she smiles.
-hey- she whispers.
-sorry, i didn't mean to wake you up- I say while looking in her green eyes.
-it's okay-she says and sits.
-may I?- i ask while pointing at the self made wooden bench wich is close to the fireplace, she nods tiredly.
I take a seat.
-what's that?- she asks, while pointing at the basket.
-it's a goodie basket, for you- I say while smiling.
-for me?- she asks, unsure.
-yes, for you kid- I say whole nodding.
She smiles and sits with the basket next to me.
She takes the card and reads it.
She smiles and looks at me.
-I try to help humans and animals if I can and it's okay, you were confused and in pain, also on your period- she says, I laugh hard.
-I was- I say while I giggle.
She hugs me suddenly, I smile and hug back. She let's me go and opens the basket. -wow, food!- she says while smiling bright.
-Can I ask you something sweetheart?- I say, she starts eating the strawberries.
-yes- she says while chewing.
-do you have someone who looks after you? Like a parent? Sibling?- I ask, her smile fades. She shakes her head.
-you are alone here?- I ask, worried as fuck!.
-always been- she awnsers, a tear rolls down my cheek.
She notices.
-whats wrong?- she asks kindly.
-is it normal for you to live out here?- I ask, more tears appear in my eyes.
-yes, why?- she asks.
-its nothing, I wanna ask you something- I say while grabbing my Iphone.
-whats that?- she asks curious.
I explain to her what a phone is, in the easiest way possible.
-I was wondering, if you wanna come to my BBQ? Its on 17th wich is in the weekend- I ask with a smile on my face.
-what is a BBQ?- she asks while eating her strawberries.
I explain that to her too.
-ooooooo, that sounds cool- she says.
-so do you wanna come?- I ask.
-depends on where it is- she says while chewing.
I give her a note with my Adres on it.
"1717 King's cross Dr, Los Angeles, CA 90024, United States"
-I know where that is, I used to visit your neighbor, a old lady.- she says, recognizing the adres.
-oh? What's her name?- I ask.
-Lauren- she awsners.
-oh? Maybe you can eat your cookies together with her?- I say and chuckle.
-I wish I could- she whispers
-why is that?- I ask, wondering.
-she passed away a month ago- she says, oh shit.
-I'm so sorry, I didn't know I... uh- I say, regretting.
-it's okay, you didn't know.- she says, having tears in her eyes...
-can I ask how she passed?- I whisper.
-cancer took her- she says, I nod
-and yes, I'd like to come to your BBQ- she says.
I nod. -you said you didn't have a name- I say, she nods.
-yes, but I do have a nickname- she says while smiling at me.
-oh? And your nicknamw is?- I ask while opening my notes on my iPhone.
-JJ-she says.
I put her name in my notes.
-well thats a very cool nickname JJ- I say, she smiles. I look at my watch.
-ships, I gotta go- I say while getting up.
She nods.
-come to the adres when you wake up okay?- I say, she nods again.
-bye bye JJ!- I say, she waves and says -byeeee cal- I smile and walk away.

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