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At the compound, the guys were having a boy's night of beer and playing pool.

"Ok so y/n, Nat and Wanda ... Fuck, marry kill," Tony asked the room

"I'm not answering that" Steve glared at him.

Bucky was lining up his shot when he peered up, "you better not" he grinned.

"Like you could kill any of them anyway" Sam teased, "any one of them would kick your ass without breaking a sweat"

"I bet Barnes knows how to make her sweat" Tony joked.

Bucky took his shot, easily making the pot. "Some of us are still gentlemen and don't kiss and tell".

"You know she's probably told the girls everything" Steve pointed out

"Wait, girls really do that?" Peter said worried, "like how much detail?"

"Don't worry kid you'll find out when you actually lose your virginity" Tony laughed

"Just because she tells them doesn't mean I have to share too" Bucky continued, sipping his beer, "not pissing off my future wife before I've even got her down the aisle."

"Aren't you fighting anyway?" Sam pointed out. Bucky looked at Tony who quickly turned away from his stare. "Aha see I saw that"

"Saw what?" Bucky defensively asked

"That little look between you and Tony," Sam revealed, "you know something"

"No idea what you mean birdman" Tony sighed

Steve grabbed Bucky's shoulders and looked at his face in silence for a few moments. "Yep they're hiding something" Steve agreed

"Dude!" Bucky exclaimed

"I've known you for a couple of decades, I can tell" Steve reminded him

"Urgh fine" Bucky rolled his eyes, "but it's not a fight"

"Then what is it?" Steve asked.

Bucky looked to Tony for an indication if it was safe to share or not. "Listen guys" Tony put his drink down and leaned over the pool table. "We found something out on our last mission. Now, y/n doesn't know yet and none of you gets to say anything until she's back. Bucko here needs to be the one to tell her."

Everyone looked at each other while the serious conversation turn settled over them. "I was trying to find out her birthday", Bucky started pacing. "She goes above and beyond for us all I just wanted to do something nice for her. Give something back you know?"

"What did you find?" Peter asked, eagerly listening like the rest of them.

"She wasn't born with her powers. They were given to her." Tony explained, "just like Cap, but from Hydra's scientists"

"Well isn't that good?" Sam interjected, "it means Bruce might be able to make some kind of cure? Or antidote? I don't know the word but make them go away"

Bucky sighed and sat on the armchair in the corner of the room, "there's more. There was a doctor there who ran this area of Hydra. Dr 74. We found a paper trail that led us to him. Along with some pictures."

"Jarvis!" Tony shouted, "pull up the file '23.12.1918". A screen turned on the TV on the wall directly across from the room.

On the screen there appeared a picture of a living room and Christmas decorations. A tall pine tree to the left scattered wooden ornaments. And in the centre was a tall, bald man with glasses who appeared to be holding his newborn baby girl.

"This is Dr 74, one of Hydra's main minds behind the genetics labs," Tony explained, "he founded a serum called 'The Fountain Of Youth'." Another picture replaced the other showing a vial of pink liquid. "He lived until the year 2005 where it's documented he was killed in a takedown of the base by SHIELD"

"So what's the connection to y/n?" Steve asked

"Dr 74 used to take orphans to use as test subjects. He thought the Fountain Of Youth serum could be more and create not only immortality but regeneration." Tony explained

"Oh my god, she was one of his orphans?" Peter guessed

"Not exactly" Tony breathed

Bucky stood and walked to the table. "Y/N is his daughter. The baby in his pictures."

"So she's like us?" Steve asked

"No Steve, she's more dangerous," Bucky said with a heavy heart, "from what we have found Dr 74 thought he had figured it all out. So he wanted her to be the first to benefit. But it went wrong". Bucky sucked back his tears in anger.

Tony saw and took over the explanation. "It gave her the powers she has. Ice, snow etc. He couldn't work out how. So he tried to destroy it, and her. He married her to Viktor while he figured out how to kill her. But when her powers grew he decided to wipe her memory in an attempt to subdue them. That's why she doesn't remember anything or anyone."

"So bringing her memories back actually be a bad thing then. Her powers might be too controllable for us." Steve started to work it out

"But we couldn't stop her if we tried, she's immortal," Sam said. Bucky quickly gripped his shirt in anger.

"No one is hurting her Sam." Bucky gritted, "immortal or not, she's still my girl". He let go of Sam and took a breath. "there's still more"

"We think Dr 74 is still alive" Tony revealed, "and that's why Mark decided to take her to the underground base and reintroduce her to Viktor."

"So he's found a way to kill her" Bucky coldly explained, "and he needs to be stopped."

"And y/n doesn't know any of this?" Peter asked. Bucky shook his head at him. "Damn".

"She just started to feel safe here so all of this is going to be a lot for her to process," Bucky explained, "so we decided to let her have this girl's trip with Nat and Wanda before her world comes crashing down again"

Steve walked up to Bucky when he saw his hand shaking with anxiety. "We can do this Buck. We've taken down bigger and badder guys than this." He reassured him

"Yeah, I hope so man," Bucky turned up his lip. The room fell quiet while everyone took in the information. Bucky paced his nerves away and Tony poured another whiskey.

Abruptly Bruce ran in from the elevator, breathless. "Guys quick! It's Nat on the comms!"

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