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The journey to Asgard was one that they had taken a few times, but this time felt longer than before. Bucky sat in silence most of the way, his head leaning on the wall.

Nat volunteered to pilot everyone so Bruce and Tony could go over the old medical records of super soldiers. Steve kept an eye on Bucky from the other side of the room while he and Sam were fixing up their gear.

The silence was soon interrupted by the squeaks of running shoes dragging against the hard floors.

"Mr. Stark! Mr. Stark!" Peter was nearly out of breath from his haste

"What is it, kid?" Tony sighed

"So my webs, they like, totally wouldn't work in space right? Because they need to propel and need force to drag" he explained, "so what if I created web fluid using material dense enough to push through and resistance?"

"and what would you use?" Tony played along

"I don't know like, space dust?"

"space dust?" Tony took off his glasses to emphasize his look of taunt, "Banner you hearing this? Space. Dust. Genius"

"Play nice Tony" Bruce reminded him, "you told his Aunt May you'd train with him this weekend so she could go away"

"That was before THIS..." Tony pointed to the large window, "...was our weekend. I was just going to make him do a few laps around the compound"

"Mr. Stark sir?" Peter still eagerly waited for an answer

"there's gravity on Asgard kid" Tony finally rationalized to him, "and we won't be fighting so put your Fitbit bracelet away and come help"

Peter sighed but walked over to join them in reviewing the old files.

"What exactly are we looking for?" Peter asked them both

"Anything to do with reproductive hormones, glands, and any patterns we can match to y/n's bloodwork." Bruce explained, "most of these were fit, healthy young military men though. The youngest I have here is 17. Nothing on kids, chromosomes"

"Hydra documented every time they went for a piss, but not chromosomes? I don't buy it" Tony queried

"Let's not forget they didn't exactly WANT us to have kids" Nat shouted into the conversation from her pilot seat, "too busy killing innocent civilians and brainwashing"

"Then why leave Buckaroo available?" Tony asked

"Maybe they selected a few of the 'best' to continue the legacy?" Peter added, "we visited this farm with school and they had like rows of this cow semen in test tubes in a freezer way back."

"So why not document it? " Tony asked, "that kind of thing needs selection and trials"

"not if it was prearranged" Peter added again, "what if they wanted their strongest soldier to mix with their strongest power source?"

Bucky lifted his head up and slowly turned to the group. "By falling in love with her I've done exactly what Hydra wanted me to do. Evem after all of Shuri's work I'm just their pawn". He stood and threw the chair beside him across the room, causing the others to duck in defense.

"Buck, stop that!" Steve shouted at him, "you have every right to love her without it being a 'mission' "


"Guys..." Nat alerted the others as she stared out of the front of the ship

"Not now Nat" Tony hushed her as he stood focused on Bucky's movements

"ok, but what should I tell him?" Nat continued anyway

Tony turned around tutting, "Tell who, what?....". He was soon halted in his speech by the sight in front of them

Loki floated in front of Asgard in an attempt to block them from entering. His arms were open as if ready to challenge any deliberations.

Tony headed to the control panel and pushed a sequence of buttons, opening a hatch out of the front of the ship that floated to Loki. A small microphone appeared from the console deck.

"Is there a toll?" Tony sarcastically asked

"She doesn't need him" Loki snapped, "I apologize for your wasted journey"

"Loki come on," Steve leaned into the microphone, "you know she needs to come back with us so we can keep her safe"

"Safe?" Loki laughed, "safer than amongst gods and servants? Away from Hydra and any risk of her father's appearance?"

"He has a point" Bucky exhaustedly admitted while slumping down in his chair, looking back at the same spot on the wall. His self defeat hurt him more than anything Loki could say to him.

"There's that fight that y/n adores" Loki rolled his eyes

"Look here, I'm flying this ship into Asgard whether you move or not. So that's on you" Nat announced and put the ship into gear.

"I promise you this is a wasted venture, she does not want to see any of you." Loki urged

"You don't get to speak for her" Sam contested

"Oh, my apologies " Loki gripped his throat and coughed slightly. As he opened his mouth his words came out with my voice. "Should it be more like this?"

Bucky sat up quickly. He had zoned out of the conversation so I thought the voice he heard was mine. "Y/N?!" he spluttered. His heart accelerated again like he had been shocked by one of those machines.

My voice gave him adrenaline. The mere thought of my words refilled his hope and emotions all over again. It felt like a lifetime not hearing my voice for him. Steve and Sam looked back as they recognized the reaction.

"Nat" Bucky dominantly said

"Yes Sargent Barnes?" Nat teased

"Drive." Bucky ordered heavily, "I don't care how many pieces that little weasel bursts into, I'm seeing my girl".

"Yes sir!" Nat agreed and pushed forward.

Loki shook his head and looked through the glass directly into Bucky's frosty blue eyes. "we'll see how that works out for you Barnes". And then he disappeared through his portal.

"What a creep!" Sam shouted

"Yeah well creep or not we should be prepared for what he's going to try and pull while we are there" Steve warned

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