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The next morning Bucky suggested we start training again with us both being out of action in the medbay and still having my psycho dad on the loose.

Bucky suggested a sparring session together, but I know he doesn't take things easy on me. Practically neither would the enemy but in my condition, I knew it couldn't be good. I arranged to do some power training with Wanda and Bruce, with another motive of airing out my worry.

When we entered the gym a few others were already there and setting up. Bucky kicked my head, "you sure you don't want a little bit of rough and tumble from me?"

I sighed and playfully pushed him. "Go do your thing, Sargent. I'll meet up with you later. How about we go for a little sunset walk?" I suggested

"I can't think of a more perfect evening". He stroked my shoulder and left to go towards Sam and Steve, who were wrapping their knuckles.

I walked to the white room on the far side and saw Bruce and Wanda waiting inside for me. I politely smiled at them both.

"Soooo? Things seem good between you two. Can I assume it went well?" Wanta pried.

"You can assume wrong" I revealed, much to her shock. "He doesn't realize it yet"

"You chickened about didn't you?" Bruce asked

"Oh yeah. Big time." I admitted, "he started talking about wanting things to be the same. And I'm just worried he's going to feel trapped."

"Don't be ridiculous y/n. Bucky LOVES you." Bruce reminded me, "and he won't throw that away for anything."

"How are you feeling anyway?" Wanda asked.

"Not much different really" I admitted, "just the smell of Loki and Thor cooking made me throw up. I blamed the meds, Bruce, sorry". He shrugged his shoulders like it wasn't a problem and started walking behind the glass.

"Now we're not picking up where we left off," Bruce explained, "not in your condition yet until we know it would be safe. So let's do some basics"

I nodded in agreement and close my eyes. My arms raised to waist level as I took a few breaths to steady myself. Without looking I could feel the room becoming cooler.

Wanda paced backward as the crystals of ice began forming around me. Unbeknownst to me, Wanda had also noticed the door behind the glass open to reveal Loki entering to observe right next to Bruce.

She glanced over at him and saw his face in awe of me. He barely looked at the screens and stared directly at my movements.

"She is remarkable" Loki whispered to himself, still not wanting to break his concentration. Bruce and Wanda then shared a look of concern.

I honed in on my thoughts to drive the flow of winter around me. My head tilted back slightly and the cool air rushed into my nostrils and up to the back of my throat.

My mind began to shake, knocking my concentration and confidence in check. Images of my father came flooding through. Laughing. Scheming. The same look as Viktor.

The screens on Bruce's monitor began signaling the change.

"Banner what's going on?" Loki worrier

"She's losing control" He explained, pushing buttons and writing the stats. Loki watched, not understanding why Bruce and Wanda were not stopping me.

"Bruce!" Wanda shouted

"I got it, I got it" he replied, rushing his notes and then grabbing the microphone.

My head was spinning with my father's words.
Stupid child.
Little slut.

The ice that delicately spun around me now flew in all directions. They began to form into sharp orbs rather than the small fragments I had practiced. I began to float in the air, my chest rising first and my body following like a ragdoll.

Wanda retreated to the observation room with Loki and Bruce. "Bruce play it!"

Bruce played the recording of Bucky speaking his reassurances softly and calmly. They watched eagerly for signs of the flurry slowing down.

"Bruce..." Wanda urged

"I don't understand" Bruce admitted, "she normally shows slows down by now. Go get Bucky" he ordered. Wanda ran out of the room

"Tell me you have a backup plan here," Loki asked, receiving a less than reassuring look in return. Loki's lips hardened as he used his anger as motivation to think.

Bucky and Wanda ran in and he pushed past Loki to grab the microphone. "Doll, doll, it's me. I'm here. Not the tape" Bucky panicked, "you're safe, he's not here. None of them are."

The room continued to spin with ice, hitting the glass and blocking their view of me with the condensation on the glass.

"Fuck, Wanda you need to do something" Bucky urged. Wanda looked over at Bruce, both knowing anything Wanda might try could impact the baby but they didn't want to tell Bucky yet. "why the fuck aren't you guys doing anything?!"

Bucky went to open the door to the main room, only to be fought by the blast of cold air slamming the door shut. He sighed in frustration knowing what he had to try. Bucky lifted his metal arm and engaged in fight mode, ripping open the door.

"Barnes, let me help!" Loki insisted

"No!" Bucky shouted with a mix of adrenaline and fright. "She's my girl back off"

"This isn't the time!" Loki insisted. He walked up and slowly closed the door and blocked it.

"Loki you better give me a damn good answer in the next 2 seconds as to why you closed that door" Bucky growled

"because I have a better idea. Brawl doesn't always work." Loki said with a cocky tone. He stepped aside and transformed into a wolf. "open the door" he said

Bucky was stunned at first to see a wolf talking, then looked to Wanda and Bruce who nodded in agreement. Bucky opened the door again using his metal arm and Loki ran inside. The door slammed shut from the pressure and they all started through the glass. Waiting to see if I would stop.

"It's not working, whatever he's doing" Bucky huffed

"wait wait wait" Bruce pointed into the room, seeing Loki standing with me in his arms. I held tightly to his shoulders and tensed up into him.

"sshh I'm here darling" Loki hushed me

Bruce, Wanda, and Bucky all stormed into the room.

"Put her down!" Bucky ordered.

"she's scared Barnes, let her adrenaline come down first" Loki suggested

"I don't care, give her to me!" Bucky shouted as he paced forward.

I jumped at his tone and volume. Loki stepped back with me. "You're scaring her"

"Stop fucking twisting things you bastard," Bucky said with a lower tone

"I think you should leave" Loki spoke calmly

"LIKE HELL, YOU CAN'T..." Bucky yelled again.

I flinched once more before lifting my head and saying "Bucky just go". I couldn't look at him because I knew how he was taking it but Loki was right.

Bucky was stunned. He quickly stormed out and slammed the door behind him.

"y/n are you ok?" wanda asked, stroking my hair

"I'm shaken but I'm ok" I reassured her

"Sorry, can I ask ... A wolf?" Bruce asked

"ah yes well, wolves are agile and resilient creatures. I knew I could get through the ice to y/n." Loki smiled down at me

"I felt a pull on my shirt and the warmth from the breath, and it pulled me from my thoughts" I explained, "thank you Loki" I smiled.

I knew Bucky needed talking to after this. His reaction wasn't okay. I didn't need a Super Soldier right now. I needed my Bucky.

Control - Book 2Where stories live. Discover now