Sehun's past

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Tao was eager to listen as he sat down cross legged on the grass, ready to listen.

 Sehun sat in front of him as he sighed and started to explain "well I guess I should start off when I was a kid...when I was a kid, you could say I was normal, I looked like any normal kid and I acted like one too, but I guess I wasn't treated like one. The kids in my school or neighborhood would bully me because I was poor. My father left my mother when I was five, and we lost connection with my father's side after that. My mother's side didn't live any where we were, the only ones who lived near us were my aunt and uncle but they didn't help us at all."

 "I would get teased at school for being poor and when I got home I would ignore my mom because I was so upset and needed to take my anger out on something. I didn't want to take it out on my mother so I kept it bottled inside."

 "When I was about ten years old my mother ended up getting cancer and she fell extremely ill. After school I would take care of her like bringing her soup or a warm blanket when she needed it, but one day she ended up fainting so after that she was put into a hospital."

 "When I was eleven years old the government was helping to provide for us since my mother was sick and no one was supporting us, and since I was only eleven I couldn't get a job. Since my mother's medical bills were going up, we didn't have enough to pay for her medicine so I decided to join a gang."

 "The gang I was in made me sell drugs to people because since I was still a kid, you wouldn't expect a little kid to come up to you and sell you drugs, so that's what they mainly let me do and they gave me money for it."

 "The first couple of months it was fine but my mother started getting worse and at that time I started getting really pissed off and to take my anger out they let me fight people, like other gangs, which I really enjoyed. It cleared my mind and I felt so relived afterwards. The money they were giving me wasn't enough anymore because my mother's medicine started getting more expensive so I couldn't do anything..." Sehun says.

 Sehun was trying so hard to hold back tears but after a couple of minutes he couldn't hold them back anymore as slow tears started rushing down his face.

"I-It was so hard...having to go to the hospital every day, knowing I couldn't do anything to save know how hard it hard it is to see your mother slowly die before your eyes each and every single day and you can't do anything to help her..." Sehun says crying.

 Sehun then cleared his throat as he says "my mom ended up dying in the end and no one could take me in. At that point everyone found out I was in a gang because some kids recorded me beating up another gang and it went viral on the internet. After that, no one would bully me, my neighbors, my classmates no one would bully me anymore...they would all just stay away from me."

 "My parents were gone, no one would come near me like I had some sort of disease, the only person who would actually talk to me cousin. We would talk where no one could see us because he didn't want to be seen with me, and one day when I was supposed to move into my aunt and uncle's house since I had no one else to go to, they said they didn't want me and wanted to put me up for adoption, they said they didn't want anything to do with me because I was in a gang and it would ruin our family's name."

 "The day before I was supposed to move into an adoption center my cousin pulled me back and said he wanted to say goodbye to me properly...he was the only one who actually talked to me, so of course I went with him. When he took me to an isolated place where no one could see us he started acting really weird...and he then..."

 Sehun paused for a moment, not wanting to say the next part. "You can tell me" Tao says, looking at Sehun seriously.

 "H-He raped me..." Sehun says looking down pushing those words out of his mouth.

Family drama exo fanfic. (XIUHAN, CHANBEAK, KAISOO, KRISHO, TAOHUN, CHENLAY)Where stories live. Discover now