The Day the Potters Died

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Sirius was worried. Peter wasn't in his hiding place. He was flying his motorcycle to Godrick's Hollow, hoping that Lily and James were okay.
As he landed in the dead of night, he saw something that made his heart stop. The Fidaleus Charm broke, and Sirius saw that top right half of the building was completely gone. He rushed into the dark house, hoping that his worries are a part of his imagination, and that his friends are safe. He stopped dead in the doorway.

James's body laid motionless on the floor, eyes staring into nowhere.

Sirius couldn't believe what has happened. This could only mean one thing: Wormtail betrayed them. This was too much. He threw himself on James's chest and sobbed for Merlin knows how long, muttering things like "James" and "I'm going to kill him", until he cried himself to sleep.
Hi humans!
Sorry for the short chapter, but right now I'm full of ideas, so I'll start writing a new one this very second.

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