Let The Games Begin

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I finally found a way for us to walk three legged. We met at the park for practice. After tying our legs together, I started to explain my plan.

"You'll step with one of your legs, then I'll step with one of mine. We'll repeat this process until we reach the finish line."

We got ready to run with the plan.

"On the count of 3. 1, 2, 3!"

David stepped with his left foot, then I stepped with my right. Then he stepped with his right, and lastly, I stepped with left.

"We're a bit wobbly...", David said.

"Well, it's DEFINITELY an Improvements from yesterday!", I said jokingly. David giggled a bit. "Cmon, let's keep running.'

We continued running like this, being able to get to the finish line. We did wobble and fall a lot still, but not as much as yesterday.

"We did it!', I screamed in joy. "We actually did it!"

"Yeah, we did!"

I looked down at my watch. "Uh oh, it's almost time for the first race. We gotta go!"

We ran in opposite directions and we both eneded up flinging ourselves back and hitting our heads.

"Oww... sorry..."

"Nah, it's okay. Let's go!"

David sighed. "Are you ready for it?"

"Baby, let the games begin."

We reached the school where the event was being held. "Okay children, the first event is...."

James and David's Three Legged Olympic RaceWhere stories live. Discover now