II. Time

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She remembered it clearly, the night it happened.

It was a dark and stormy night, one where most people would be hiding in fear, but not lilac; for she needed to know, she needed to know if it was possible. Lilac halted in her steps as a rough deep voice spoke "What brings you here mundane?" Hood covering his face, he approached her lightly " I have a request" her voice was calming, like a lullaby as she stepped slightly closer to him, trying to get a better looks at his face; yet she was unsuccessful as it was too dark, and the candelabra in her hand provided little light. "What request is that?" He questioned her, " I want what the others don't have, I want to know what they won't know, I want to learn what the others won't learn, I want to see what they won't see, I want knowledge beyond their understanding, I want to see them evolve. I want to help them improve." As she finished, he was left appalled; he never thought that one would make a request such as this, when people came to him begging for more money, or bragging about how they should have everything no one can, he thought he had seen it all from money to love; but this girl before him had left him speechless at her request. After he snapped out of his daze he asked " What is your name?" Lilac was her response, 'Lilac' he thought, a name filled with innocence and purity like a little dove. " Well, Lilac; surely you must know I don't fulfill any request without any payment, so what have you brought that is enough?" Even in the dark, he could still see the doe eyed look in her eyes as she spoke " My self." Just when he thought she couldn't shock him anymore, she proved him wrong once again " Yourself?" he questioned, confused, "My self, i get to have my request, but no one nothing, can see me, feel me, follow me. My price is to be like the wind, to exist but not be seen." He remained in shock of her, 'how could a young girl be this wise?' he questioned himself before directing a question toward her. " Do you know what you are asking of me little dove?" Yes was her reply though it came out in a quiet voice, the tone was strong and confident. " Very well, but this deal will not go one forever, for in 100 years time, you will be back to a mundane, seen by all, felt by all, followed by choice."

And so it began, her new life.

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