IV. A request

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She knew this was coming, she has known for a hundred years, she thought she was prepared for this at that time, but now she can't find herself to say goodbye to him, knowing she probably wouldn't see him again, and so she replied " well, I am not, but ..." "but what?" He cut her off, turning to look at her to see her already looking at him, locking eyes Blue met brown, " I have a request." He was appalled " a request? What request?" Her eyes were soft, and looked like glass as tears welled in her eyes " Keep in touch, i don't care how you do it but please don't leave. Come back and meet me, even if only for a minute." Her words were pleading, her voice begging, and so "Of course, little dove."

And so here we are, blue leaves brown, and for the first time in what felt like forever, in a time where Lilac was supposed to feel surrounded she felt alone; for he was gone and with him all that remained was the blue of his eyes in her mind.

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