III. A question

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 " You're late, and here I was thinking you weren't coming." her voice stayed the same, quiet like a whisper, she sensed him sit down next to her even if her eyes were trained on the water across " I would neve, little dove, after all who would be left to look after you if i leave?" as his raspy voice spoke, she understood the underlying message in his playful question. "It feels like yesterday, doesn't it?" her eyes closed once again " I can't believe all this time has passed. I always heard them say time moves slowly when you are alone, but i wasn't alone, was i?" though her question was rhetorical he still replied " No you weren't. And besides whether it moved slowly or quickly, we both knew this day would come." she gave a small hum but remained silent, and he didn't dare speak; fearing that if he did, the end would inch faster. After the short silence she spoke, she spoke the same sentence, the sentence that had been imprinted in both of their heads " I can see but never be seen, I can feel but can never be felt, I can tread the ground but never be followed. it sounds almost ironic after all this time, doesn't it?" Now it was his turn to hum, as Lilac looked his way, for the first time tonight, she was shocked, he wasn't wearing it, " You're not wearing your hood." it wasn't a question he knew that and yet " I am not, thought tonight is a bit too special for it." her eyes were soft as she took in his features, his sharp jaw, the red ink under his blue sapphire eyes, his broad shoulders. They sat in silence for a longer period, they were stalling, and they both knew it, but then again goodbyes are hard; especially if you were together for a hundred years. This time it was his turn to break the silence asking the question that would change everything. " Are you ready?"

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