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(A/n : If you want to know whether this story has a happy ending or not , you should read it till the last !)

Six years Later

3rd person's pov :

Forth looks at the sky while sitting at the same ground of the hospital park where he sat with Beam six years ago on the day Beam died .

"You son was lucky that he got angel like Beam ." Forth smiles .

The old woman sitting beside Forth looks at Forth with despair "Akki ... my son , did he cross ?"

Forth nods "he did ! Two days after Beam gave his string to him . He was a good boy . He loved you , he tried his best , so he had not much to regret !"

The old woman looks at the sky too "will I meet him again in afterlife ?"

"I don't know . I am just a helper , I have never been there . But I can assure you crossing is thousand times better than becoming a husk !"

"Of course , as you said you will not remember anything , any pain , any struggle if you become one but don't you really want to remember your son ? His scent ? His voice ?"

The old woman nods "I do ! I will cross ! Maybe , I will see him in afterlife ."

Forth smiles "that's what I was telling ! Now , let's go .. we are already late . You are on your 46 hours !"

The old woman nods .

Forth stands up from the ground "I can't help you . You have to stand up alone ."

The woman nods again while unfolding her walking stick . She stands up slowly beside Forth .

Forth smiles at her warmly .

"Aren't you angry with me ?" The woman asks seeing Forth's smile .

Forth frowns "why would I ?"

"Because of what my son did ! And just few hours ago , I was doing the same ." The woman replies while looking at her almost black body .

Forth chuckles "It's ok ! It's not like everyday we woke up and came to know we are dead ."

The woman nods "I .. I am sorry ."

Forth smiles "don't be ! Let's go !"

The womans nods again slowly "can ... can i ask you one thing ?"

Forth who was already walking out of the Park stops "what ?"

The woman looks at Forth's smiley face for sometimes . She doesn't know if she should ask this or not . But ..

"Why did you let Beam gave away his string that day ? Why did you gave him , your permission?"

Forth smiles again . The same warm smile which he was giving before . "I didn't . Beam never needed my permission , I guess !"

"You didn't cut the string with Beam willingly ?" She asks .

Forth chuckles "that day , I promised Beam to let him see the strings . I didn't cut any string that day . I just made our string visible to him."

"Beam did it himself ? Without telling you ?"

Forth turns around without answering "let's go !"

Six Years Ago

Beam slowly rests his head on Forth's trembling shoulder as the song went on . He closes his eyes.

I'll spend forever wondering if you knew ,I was enchanted to meet you🎶

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