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"No," I said as a white towel was wrapped around my body, combing my hair threw my big vanity set up across the room

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"No," I said as a white towel was wrapped around my body, combing my hair threw my big vanity set up across the room.

Johnathon was sitting on my bed as I took a few glances at him through the mirror.

"Come on. Don't go." He whined like a 2-year-old as I scoffed. "If I stay then I'll be late for work or better yet, I miss a day at work." I finished coming to my long thick brown thigh-length hair.

"That shitty restaurant.." He mumbled. I plugged in the blow dryer and turned it on, drying my hair.

"Johnathon I can't miss work just to stay with you," I said speaking in a loud tone over the blow dryer.

My hair quickly dried as I turned off the blow dryer and unplugged it.

I didn't mind that Johnathon was starting to come over to my house.

Normally people would have kicked a random stranger out. But I didn't care. "Come on Em.." He kept whining.

Unwrapping the towel on my body as it dropped to the floor.

"Fine," I said quietly. Half of me told me not to and to get my ass to work. But I listened to my dumb heart and stayed.

Johnathon immediately had a smile plastered on his face. I finished changing into some comfortable clothes as I reached for my phone and Dialed Aãliyah's number.

"Fuck Johnathon this is the only time this will happen," I whispered and sat next to him, waiting as the phone was answered. "Em, how are you?" She asked. I stood silent for a few seconds as my heart started racing. What do I even say?! I mouthed to Johnathon as he looked away as if I wasn't there.

"Um..well..Aãliyah can you cover for me today I'm stuck babysitting.." I said and bit my lip. It technically wasn't a lie since Johnathon is a big baby.

"Of course, I'll cover for you because your 'babysitting' Em." She knew what was happening as I chuckled. "Thank you, I'll make it up to you, love you, bye." I hung up as Johnathon looked at me.

A pillow was within reach I grabbed it and hit him in the face. "You fucking asshole," I mumbled and got up crossing my arms, and walked out of the bedroom, Johnathon was laughing as he placed the pillow down and followed behind me.

"You don't have to follow me," I said and reached for some ice cream in the freezer, taking a spoon and walking back to the bedroom as Johnathon shut the freezer door.

Sitting on the bed again I opened my ice cream and pulled out my laptop, pulling up a show. Johnathon sat next to me closely. Does this man have separation anxiety or something?

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