2. Unhinged

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'In the dream were you standing next to the victim were looking down at them?'

'Neither it was like I was them... will you tell me what's going on Professor?' Harry begged

'Arthur has been injured, go make sure he's found by the right people,' albus said moving around the room to the portraits on the walls 'Phineas you most go to your portrait at Grimmald place, Arthur's children will be arriving there soon by port key.'

'It was a close call but Arthur is going to be all right, but Luckily for us the dark lord has failed to get it again retrieve it.' The man in the portrait told them.

'That's good to hear.'

'Look at me!' Harry shouted 'what's happening to me?' he panted and then Albus finally looked at him as serverus and Sienna came up behind him

'You wish to see me headmaster?' Severus asked, Sienna looked nervously around the room. They were in the middle of their annual Christmas movie marathon.

'Severus I'm afraid I can't wait not even till the morning otherwise we will all be vulnerable.' Dumbledore told him and Severus dragged Harry down to the dungeons. Sienna followed along behind them.

'It appears that between the dark lords mind and your own... there has been a link.' Severus told harry once they were in the potions room. 'let's hope he is unaware of this connection at the moment. Pray he remains ignorant.' Severus told him

'You mean if he finds out about it then he'll be able to read my mind?' harry questioned he looked nervously to Sienna.

'Read it. Control it. Unhinge it.' Severus told him 'in the past it was often the dark lords pleasure to invade mines of his victims creating visions design to torture them into madness. Only after extracting the last exquisite memory when he had them begging for death when he finally kill them.' Severus said taking threatening steps forward 'if used properly the power of occlemency will help shield you from access or influence in these lessons..." Severus looked to Sienna. "I have trained Sienna well, lets put your skills to the test my dear." Sienna nodded eagerly.

"Sienna will attempt to penetrate your mind, you will attempt to resist.' Severus told him. 'Prepare yourself.' Harry sat stiffly.

''Legitimis.'' Sienna Snape declared. Harry Potter crumbled before her.

''Excellent Sienna.'' Severus kissed the top of his daughters head. ''Brilliant.''

'I learned from the best.'' Sienna told him.

"You however Potter." Severus snapped. "Again!' Harry looked to Sienna and she took a step back.

"You got this." Sienna offered kindly.

'Legitimis' snape declared accessing harrys mind easily. Visions flashed through Harry's mind. 'Concentrate you need focus.' he demanded. Time after time he accessed his mind.

He was back looking at the mirror he was 11 all over again and his parents were there but then saw snape walking up behind him in the mirror.

'feeling sentimental?' Snape questioned and Harry was brought back to real life

'That's private.' he said panting

'Not to me,' Severus told him.

"Father maybe we stop. Its late and Harry-" Sienna began.

"Nothing is private, not to me and not to the dark lord, if you do not improve.' Severus informed him. 'Every memory he has access to he can use against you. He wouldn't last two seconds if he invades your mind.' severus told him 'you're just like your father. Lazy. Arrogant.'

'Don't say a word against my father!' Harry demanded

"Father stop." Sienna begged.

'Weak' Severus went on.

'I am not weak!' Harry told him

'Then prove it!' Severus shouted 'control your emotions, discipline your mind.' He readied himself. "Again Sienna!" Severus declared Sienna stared back at harry he nodded but he wasn't ready.

'legitimis!' Sienna shouted again accessing Harry's mind very easily. Harry doubled over

'Very vulnerable, disappointing.' Severus remarked. "But you my girl, are wonderful." Sienna offered Harry a hand up.

'Stop it!' Harry panted out but grabbed onto Sienna's hand.

'Is this what you call control?'

'We've been at it for hours if I could just rest?' Harry suggested

'The dark Lord isn't resting,' Severus informed him. 'you would like him, two of a kind sentimental children continually whining about how bitterly unfair your life is, always whining about lost love... oh well it may have escaped your notice but life isn't fair, you're blessed father knew that in fact he frequently-' severus began.

"Father please." Sienna begged. "How would you like if someone said that about you." Severus stared at Sienna, so innocent.

'My father was a great man!' harry told him. Severus grabbed him by the collar of his jacket pushing him down

'Your father was swine. Legiti-'

'Protego!' Harry shouted entering severus mind

He saw a lonely boy in his final years of Hogwarts

'Snape!. Expeliamus!'

Father?' harry questioned looking between a young snape and his bullies.

'Nice one james'

'Imperamenta!' severus rose from the ground, flying.

'Dad?' harry questioned confused.

'All right who wants to see me take off snivelers his trousers?' a young James question as his friends rallied behind him

'Enough!' Severus declared. He grabbed Harry by the collar 'your lessons are at an end. Get out.' he demanded slowly releasing him, Harry rushed out.

"dad what was that? What did he see?" Sienna asked seeing the frantic look in his eyes.

"I'm fine." Severus told her.

"Obviously not." Sienna countered. "Talk to me, you never keep secrets not from me." Sienna reminded him.

"Lets go finish that movie." Severus offered wrapping an arm around her shoulders.

"You know you can tell me anything."

"I know Sienna... its late... I'm fine."

Wildest Dreams // Jojen Reed x HP crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now