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moira lawson

"We should go to the fountain after this!" Angie suggests. My feet are hurting like hell in these heels.

I don't know what came to my mind to wear heels.

"Angie, my feet are hurting like hell." I groan before taking a last sip of my coffee.

"It's fine, the foods almost here. Which means, you have time to take them off." I suck in a deep breath and take off my heels.

We see a group of teenagers walking towards our table. I hear Damian groan and put his hand on his forehead.

"Oh my, God!" One of the girls squeal. Me and Angie look at each other then at the girls.

They stand at the end of the table with their phones in one hand and a sharpie in the other.

"C-can we please get all of your autographs?" One of them asks, nearly out of breath.

A chuckle light and nod, "For sure," I say smiling at them. All of their faces brighten when we all stand up.

I grab the sharpie from one of the kids and give them my autograph. She stares at me as I write on her arm.

I send her an awkward smile and hand her the pen back. "Thank you, Moira! I'm such a big fan!" She squeals.

I chuckle, "Thank you."

⤹ ⤹

My food sits in front of me, untouched, as everyone else eats theirs. Angie looks at me for a slight second.

"Eat your food, Moira." Angie says from across the table.

I raise up my head to look at her, "I'm not hungry." I lie.
I'm fucking starving.

Damian sets down his fork and grabs mine. He cuts some of my pancake and stabs it with the fork.

He brings the fork to my mouth and holds it hand under it, making sure nothing falls onto my lap.

"Eat it. Please." Damian pleads. I sigh and look down at the food.

I don't want it.

Eat it.

"I'm not hungr- don't lie to me. I don't like liars." Damian cuts me off. I hesitate before opening my mouth and taking the food in my mouth.

Damian softly smiles at me and sets the fork down. "Now fully chew it," I slowly chew the pancake and hesitantly swallow it.

"Was it good?" Damian asks. It was very good. But I don't think I can consume more.

"I guess," I mumble.

I only eat in front of my mom. Mainly because she doesn't know what I go through and I don't want her to worry about me, when she should be worrying about herself.

Damian usually forces me to eat when he sees that I'm failing. Whenever Damian does it, it feels different. When Liam does it, it doesn't feel the same as Damian.

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