Chapter 3

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Hey wattpadders! This is my third chapter... I hope you like... and just a heads up; the POV changes halfway through the chapter. And the chapter is unedited, but I hope you still like anyway:)



Amanda's POV

That's it. I can't believe that I've never thought of this before; it's perfect! I mean, I have always thought about it, but not about actually doing it. I always thought that I couldn't. But... why can't I? Running away seems like the answer to all my problems right now.

All I have to do is figure out the details, and I can do that at school today. I think if I can set it up right, then I can leave tonight. I already know where I want to go. I mean it is seriously perfect, I have kind of wanted to live there my whole life. And if things all go well, tonight, I should be all alone on a bus, making my way to a new life in L.A.


The bell knocks me out of my daze. 70 minutes of just one subject can put me right to sleep. "Alright, that's it for now class, read pages 31-47 tonight! I will see you all tomorrow!" Mr.Dalvecio shouts at the students while we all storm away. I pick up my books and head for the door. "Amanda?"

I spin my head around to look at Mr.D. "Can I talk to you for a minute?" He asks me.

"Oh, yeah sure Mr.D." I start walking away from the door. He leans on his desk and nods to a seat. I take it.

"Amanda, I have noticed you haven't been paying much attention in class. In all of your class's actually, I have talked to your other teachers."

"Oh..." I whisper, looking at the ground.

"But you used to be our top student. And I know it's hard with your father and all, but it's almost been 2 years now. It's time you get back to your work. Would you like to attend counseling? Or tutoring?"

I’ve always been pushed overboard when it comes to schooling. He talks like I suck now, but I’m still a top student in the end. Just not like I was before.

I sigh. "No Mr.D, it's fine, really. I promise that I will try harder in the future." I can tell him easily, knowing I plan on leaving tonight.

He looks at me in a way where I feel like he doesn't believe me. Like he knows something is up. I look around trying my best not to look as suspicious as I feel.

He takes a really big, audible breath, "Okay Amanda, fine. But can I see you for your free period tomorrow? I don't have a class then."

I smile, still thinking about how I'll be gone then and no one even knows. "Of course. Whatever you find reasonable." I try to hide the kind of tone in my voice Mr.D would find suspicious. Hopefully he didn't notice me smile.

"Okay then Amanda. I will see you then. I know it is your free period right now, don't get into trouble."

I laugh. "Alright Mr.D, I'll... see you then." I walk away, but I can feel his eyes burrowing into my skin. I expected to have someone be curious about me, but I didn't expect to feel this way when someone did.

I slip out the door and quietly shut it behind me. All of the girls, including my ex-best friends, stare at me as I walk down the hall. Some of them whisper to each other and laugh. The way they look at me says that it was me that they were whispering about.

I try to block them out, try to ignore their rude eyes on me. So that I can focus on the task at hand- getting ready to run away.

I feel so... evil. Like it's wrong to run away the way I am. Or, maybe I'm nervous. I guess leaving my life behind can be nerve racking, if anything it would be weirder if I wasn't nervous. Or at least that's what I keep telling myself.

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