Chapter Two

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As we approach the side door of the throne room, we see nobles streaming out of the main entrance. Some look confused and panicked, others are simply drunk and bewildered. I see Lord Corlys talking heatedly with Lady Rhaenys about something, Laena standing off to the side pretending not to listen. I grasp Daemon's hand, nervous about the unknown commotion, but mostly about confronting my father. My marriage to Laenor had been his sole plan to unite our house with the Velaryons. Such a union would secure our coffers for generations and significantly boost our military strength at sea.

We enter unseen, taking in the sight before us. Half-eaten food, spilled cups and broken plates lay scattered all over the floor. I see Alicent and Lyonel Strong hover over my father at the head table as he tries to catch his breath. My relief is palpable at seeing my father unharmed, and Daemon traces a fingertip in a comforting circle against my wrist. Numerous people still cluster in groups here and there around the hall, whispering among themselves. Laenor nurses a broken nose while he sits next to what I've speculated to be his lover, Joffrey, who also appears harmed, blood seeping down the left side of his face. I look at Daemon and he nods, squeezing my hand before letting go so I can wander over to Laenor.

"Cousin? What happened?" I ask, taking a seat next to him.

"Cunt-struck Ser Criston Cole happened," Joffrey scoffs, holding a cloth to his face, his eye still weeping scarlet. Laenor looks at me, blame written in his eyes, and my body turns cold.

"Ser Criston? What—why—"

"Princess?" Ser Harwin walks up to us, sweat shining on his brow. "Can I have a word?"

"Yes, certainly Ser Harwin." Casting an apologetic look at Laenor, I follow Ser Harwin toward the main entrance, my skirts trailing in the wine spilled across the floor. He pauses and looks around, making sure we're out of earshot of everyone.

"I'm glad to see you safe, Princess, I wasn't sure where you had gone once the fight had started."

"What happened?" I ask.

"Ser Criston attacked Ser Joffrey unprovoked. Ser Laenor then tried to intervene, but Ser Criston punched him in the face with his helm. I then managed to subdue him with the help of a member of the Kingsguard."

Feeling furious, I try to respond calmly. "Where is Ser Criston now?"

"He punched the soon-to-be King Consort, Princess. He's been stripped of his duties by King Viserys and awaits further punishment in the Keep's dungeon." At this I look back at my father, now conversing quietly with Alicent. Daemon is sitting to their right, eyes focused completely on me, fingers toying with the knife in front of him. Warmth spreads across my stomach seeing the unconcealed jealousy in his eyes as he watches me with Ser Harwin.

"Thank you for telling me," I nod at him in polite dismissal and with a deep breath, begin the small trek to the head table. Sitting down next to Daemon, I notice Alicent looking at me with contempt. Seven hells, what now, I think.

"Stepdaughter, we were wondering where you had disappeared to," She comments knowingly, her eyes shifting from me to Daemon. If she calls me stepdaughter one more time, I'm going to take the knife Daemon is playing with and--

"We're just relieved you're not hurt," Viserys adds, but I don't miss the look of vexation on his face as he eyes the two of us sitting together. He saw us on the dance floor.

"It appears her sworn protector was otherwise occupied, as I'm the one that had to escort her to safety, brother," Daemon comments. The hand not fiddling with the knife has now found its way under the table, his fingertips outlining swirls of fire against my thigh. I squeeze my legs together to try and appease the ache blooming between them, and I feel his body tense at my reaction.

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