III: Hour 10- To Feel

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Violet Starchen:

The news reporter appeared on TV every five hours to tell us what we had left. My tears had run out. I had no more left, and as we sat in silence, I realized I was going numb. We were barely at the 10-hour mark, and I was willing to let go of every emotion I had to return to that first stage of denial because I didn't want to lose feeling so soon. My eyes went to Alexei as he held me close, his eyebrows pinched together, making him seem angry. I let my hand run over his jaw before cupping his chin and bringing his face closer to mine, placing a gentle kiss on his lips.

No words needed to be spoken. While everyone else allowed themselves to give in to the chaos and abandon all sense of morale, I wanted to be here with him and experience everything again. Remember the first time we met, the second time, our first date, the first time we held hands, the first time we shared our bodies and allowed ourselves to gain a deeper connection. I wanted to feel for the last time.

Walking through the front door, I heard the bell ring, causing a few heads to turn, and I rushed to the front. I watched the man look over the menu, "Good morning, sir, what can I get for you today?" I asked with a smile as I took him in. he was gorgeous.

He had neck-length shiny black hair, honey skin, a button nose, forest green eyes, and thin bow-shaped lips. He was wearing a dark blue t-shirt that was tucked into his pants as though he was wearing a uniform, and I was able to see his tattoos clearly. He had a 10-point star tattoo on the left side of his neck, a guitar leaf tattoo on his left forearm, a Japanese Owl tattoo on his right bicep, a Japanese Dragon tattoo on his right forearm, and a snake and rose tattoo on his left hand. It seemed he really liked tattoos.

"Your breakfast special," He said. The breakfast special was a simple breakfast sandwich with a croissant for the bread, bacon, and eggs, with a medium iced coffee.

"And for the coffee?"

"What would you say the best one is?" he asked, looking down at me. Familiarity flashed in his eyes as he stared at me. I felt myself twisting with nerves at the intense look in his eyes. His eyes roamed my face, and a slight smile formed on his lips as he examined my features like I had done to him moments ago.

"What station do you work for?" I asked, putting together why his outfit looked like a uniform. Most firefighters that you see wear an outfit similar to his. My question seemed to help him with something as his eyes glimmered.

"I work at Station 141." he smiled. I remembered that station, and as I looked at him, memories flooded my mind. I smiled back at him, and it seemed like we were sharing a moment. A moment I would cherish forever because it seemed like the start of something new.

His lips moved against mine, passion and love-filled kisses being shared between us. We consumed each other, neither one of us wanting to let go. I adjusted myself so my legs straddled him, and he placed his hands on my waist, firmly holding me to him as I wrapped my arms around his shoulders. Getting lost in the throws of passion was one of the better ways to show your love for someone.

It was the subtle movements that made the moment more intimate. The way their hands slowly caressed your body, their fingers trailing up and down your sides gently, coaxing you into a relaxation against them. The way their lips moved against yours as they connected over and over again, your tongues tasting each other and exploring each other.

The way they held you tenderly as they laid you down, their body hovering over yours, making you feel safe. The way their eyes bore into yours, conveying messages their mouths couldn't. The way they removed your clothes slowly to savor being in your presence and allowing them the privilege of being able to see you so vulnerable.

The way they asked and made sure you were comfortable and it was something you wanted. The way their hands explored your body as your bodies connected, becoming one with each other.

The way you slowly took each other, allowing blissful waves to crash upon you as you got lost in the feeling they evoked on your body. The way you held onto them, letting out your sounds of love for them. The way your stomach clenched every time they told you how much they loved you as their body moved against you. How every time they let out a sound of their love, it only increased the love and pleasure you felt while being entangled with him.

The way the waves of pleasure crash upon you one last time, and you say their name like it's been seared into your mind. The feeling of undeniable love and acceptance as you look at each other after and hold each other for what seems like eternity, relishing in the comfort only they could provide you.

As I snuggled against Alexei, my hands tracing small comforting pattern on his chest, the feeling of peace stuck with me. For a moment, the thought of our doom faded from my mind, and it was just me and him.

The sounds of the people outside faded, and the echoes of the news reporter's words weren't echoing in my head. My heart was no longer pounding as if it were going to burst from my chest. I felt at peace, and that's when acceptance rolled over me, and I no longer allowed myself to wallow in misery.

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