IV: Hour 15- Family

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Violet Starchen:

I hadn't expected them to. When a knock came to the door, I was surprised. I looked at Alexei, and he looked at me just as confused. We got up and put our clothes on, and I went to answer the door. When I opened it, Mia stood there. I thought I had it together. I thought I was over it, but seeing her with Billy and Marlon standing next to her made me break all over again. My eyes watered to the point of blindness, and I had to do my best to keep it together and not break down all over again. The moment a sob left Mia's lips, I broke. It was clear she had already been crying before she got here.

She pulled me into a hug, and I held onto her as we sobbed. I loved her so much; she was basically my sister, and this was the last time I'd see her. The last time I'll get to hold her like this, the last time I'll get to be someone to comfort her and hold her while she fell apart. The same could be said for her. She had a lot more on the line than I did, though. She would be losing her two kids in this. She'd be losing her husband, her mom, her dad. She'd be losing everything. The tears seemed to be never-ending. I felt a hand on my back that wasn't Mia's and pulled back as I looked at Alexei.

Seeing him so numb to it all only broke my heart more. There was something about the emptiness in his eyes during all this that made me shiver in despair. I knew it'd haunt me. I let them in, and once inside, we sat down in silence. No one knew what to say. The kids were oblivious to what was going on; they played with each other and made each other laugh, and it was hard to watch.

How many families were out there, watching their kids play, knowing what was coming? Mia watched her sons with longing. They wouldn't get to grow up. She was cherishing this moment. If I had kids, I couldn't say I'd do the same. I'd be selfish because I wouldn't be able to stomach watching them be happy during a time like this. It made pain soar through my chest, and I felt sick.

"We can't do this," Lucas said, whispering as he stared at the floor with a saddened look in his eyes. "Sitting here moping. We're supposed to be enjoying our time together any way that we can. Make all the memories we can think of while we still can,"

"It's hard to do that when you know you have less than ten hours to live," Mia spoke up, her voice solemn as she continued staring at her babies.

"We're not doing this," Lucas said, shaking his head as he stood up. "I can't do this," he walked towards the kitchen, and we all looked at him as he disappeared. I could hear shuffling in the kitchen before he returned with two vodka bottles. "Violet, where are the games? We're not fucking doin' this. We're not about to sit here and wallow and be sad and depressed. I can't, I-i can't go like that," he said, his voice cracking as his eyes watered and he blinked away the tears.

"They're in the hallway closet." He grabbed them, and we played board games and drank. It felt awkward at first, none of us feeling the spirit of wanting to celebrate the incredible lives we live, but as the drinks began to settle in our systems, we lightened up. Soft chuckles were made here and there, and light smiles were thrown now and then.

It's crazy how nobody thinks of these moments. When it all came down to it, and the world was ending, how many people would spend it with family? How many people would spend that time alone? How many people would end it all before seeing what the world's end could look like? It's not a conversation many people had because the thought of dying was a scary one. You delved into unknown territories when we questioned death, trying to figure out what it would be like for you.

After a while, we loosened up; the sound of Billy and Marlon playing was no longer heartbreaking. No more tears were being shed. Everyone was talking with ease and enjoying each other's company. We were a family for a bit longer. Everything slipped our minds as we enjoyed each other's company. I was glad Mia and Lucas came over. I was delighted they decided we should spend the rest of our time together. I wasn't able to think like that. I wasn't able to let my mind go there.

I was glad I got to sit there with my family and see their smiles and hear their laughs again. Alexei didn't laugh much, but he smiled a lot, allowing himself to relax and enjoy this moment with us. I placed my hand on his knee for comfort, and he looked at me, giving me a happy but sad smile. "I love you," he whispered.

"I love you too."

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