V: Hour 22- End Of Days

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Violet Starchen:

"We've reached the end of the line, people. With one more hour to go, I want to say that I've met some great people in this life. I've met some bad people, too. I've lived my life to the best of my abilities, and I hope you did, too. I hope you all spent time with your families. I hope all of you got to say goodbye to loved ones who don't live nearby. And I hope when you look back on your life, you see something great. This is your reporter, Nina Gilessell, and it was wonderful reporting for all." Just before she could break down, the TV cut off.

It was strange how, in a moment like this, the sky could be so beautiful. The golden orange glow of the sun as it peaked from behind the moon a little, as both of them made their way towards us, was a beautiful sight. How can I, in a moment like this, see the two things about to end our existence and think they're beautiful? The orange glow they cast over the city illuminated the buildings, and the people outside watched as they got closer. I grabbed my phone and pointed it at the sight, snapping a picture, a picture no one would ever see.

Once the TV cut back on and they played a countdown on the screen, I felt my heart stop. Everything around me got blurry as dark spots painted my vision, and my breath was sucked from me. I needed space, so I came upstairs. I don't know how long ago that was. It was hot, and it got harder and harder to breathe.

I'm surprised we've made it this long with the sun and moon in our orbit like this. My breaths were shaky as I tried to stop myself from having a panic attack. This was it; this was the end. The end of everything. The end of work, the end of meetings, the end of family gatherings, shopping, traveling...existing.

I heard footsteps behind me and saw everyone standing there. They all had tears in their eyes, and unfortunately, in a moment like this, when we were all supposed to grieve together, my eyes wouldn't water. They couldn't. They only burned with already shed tears and refused to produce anymore.

They all walked closer. Mia stood before me at the window with Marlon and Billy at her sides and Lucas behind her, his hand wrapped around her shoulders as they stared out the window watching.

I looked at Alexei, stuck in his spot, shaking his head. He was breaking. Seeing the end coming was the scariest thing anyone could experience in life because everything is moving in slow motion. You are seeing every second of your doom. You're watching the life you've lived flash before your eyes because you know you can't escape. I walked towards him and grabbed his face, giving him a soft look.

I couldn't bring him comfort in this moment because no matter what I did, he was seeing the way his life would end. When he placed his hands on top of mine, they were cold, and he was shaking. He sucked in a deep breath as the tears flowed from his eyes, but he refused to make a sound.

He had been strong for me when I broke down, and now it was my turn to be strong for him. I placed a gentle kiss on his lips, which he returned before pulling back and kissing his forehead. When I looked into his beautiful green eyes again, I knew mine told him it was time. I let my hands fall from his face before grabbing his hand and walking towards the window.

I stood tall as I watched and felt Alexei put his arm around my shoulders and pull me to his side. His shaking increased tenfold as he stared out the window, looking at the golden glow I had just admired a few minutes ago. "How can something be so beautiful?" Mia said, her voice quivering as she gripped Marlon and Billy tighter.

I could see the moon and sun moving; it was moving fast and at an alarming rate. I could hear people crying out, asking to be saved. I could hear Mia holding in her sobs. I could see Lucas's frame shaking as his grip on his wife tightened. I could feel Alexei's hand on my shoulder, holding it tightly as he released a shaky sigh, refusing to drop any tears.

I could feel and see all of this, but I couldn't be emotional. I couldn't find myself wanting to ball my eyes out anymore. I couldn't find myself wanting to pray and beg to a higher being. I could only find myself feeling at peace.

I was at peace. Nothing in me shook in fear. My heart wasn't racing; I wasn't hysterical. I was just there. Just existing. The last minute of my life, I stood there and just lived, and I've never felt so calm.

You heard it before you saw it. You heard the moon and the sun clashing with our planet, but you saw the orange glow get brighter and spread out on a mass scale. A cry broke out at the loud sound, which led to Mia releasing her unshed tears. Lucas trembled as he tried to keep it together.

It felt like Alexei's legs might give out, but I stood there. I watched the end zoom towards us at an unknown speed. I felt Alexei flinch and turn away in fear. I watched as it washed over everything just before the feel of debris and debilitating heat took over my body, and then it was all over. All in a matter of seconds...There was nothing.

Eternal Eclipse End of Days: 22 Hours (A Short Story)Where stories live. Discover now