Chapter 6

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Zach's pov

"Wakey wakeyy", Calix says as she jumps onto my bed... well... onto me.

"Calix!", I laugh at her childishness, "I'm up, I'm up! You're crushing me."

She smiles as she uses her arms to support herself, hovering over me.

My smile soon fades as I realize how close she is, eyes accidentally roaming to her lips. I look away, clearing my throat as I lightly push on her shoulders.

To my surprise, she doesn't move an inch, but guides my face to look at her instead.

Shit... that's hot.

"Does Zach Miller have a little crush, hm?", she teases.

"N- no!", this time I use more force as I try to push her off me, but still - she doesn't move an inch.

She chuckles as she gets up and raises her hands, "I was just joking. Heat of the moment, I get it."

But... it wasn't...

"Yeah... exactly, fucker", I throw her with my pillow.

She effortlessly catches it, a sly smile tugging at her lips.

"Calix, no", I jump out of bed, standing at the opposite side.

I bolt for the door as she starts chasing me.



"I hate you", I say, rubbing my arm.

"You started it", she says nonchalantly, tossing some blueberries into the blender.

I roll my eyes, taking a seat behind the counter.

"Open your mouth."

My eyes widen, head jolting up to look at her.

"W- what?"

"Trick shot", she simply states, showing me the blueberries in her hand.


I do as she asked... wait no, commanded of me and part my lips.

She aims for a second, and then throws the blueberry directly into my mouth.

"Score baby", she celebrates, popping the rest into her own.

What the fuck, Zach?

Of course she wouldn't want to do anything like that.

Not with me.

We're best friends! And I'm not even her type.

I look over at her as she perfectly levels the scoop of protein powder.

But I could be.


Storm's pov

I started work at about eight. I reckoned that I might as well work for a bit now and then head to my extra classes from here. It's a bit closer anyway.

I sigh as the customer leaves the store. Fuck, he's always so grumpy and impatient with me. It doesn't help that he's a regular either.

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