Chapter twelve

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"Well, I really enjoyed going out with you. I missed you," Niall pulled me in for a hug. "I enjoyed our time together too," I smiled. We stood there, our faces too close together. Niall held his breath. I was about to pull away, when he went in for a kiss.

"What the FUCK?!"


Shocked, I pulled myself away from the kiss. "Harry, this is not what it seems!" I panicked. I looked over to Niall, who didn't seem to regret a thing. He had a smug look on his face, but apparently hid it very well, since Harry didn't notice it. Harry tried his best to stay composed, but I saw angry tears welling up in his eyes and his face turning red. "I trusted you, Lou," he clenched his fists, trying to keep it together. "Harry, please," I sniffled.

"I'm sorry, mate," Niall came in between us. "Unfortunately this is exactly what it looked like. I just wanted to grab some food as friends, and before I knew it, he kissed me. I guess he really misses how things used to be between us." My mouth fell open. "How. Dare. You! You KNOW that's not what happened!" I yelled, pissed off. Niall just shrugged. "I don't know what else to tell you mate," he innocently told Harry.

Harry looked like he was about to lose it. I looked at him with pleading eyes, silently begging him to believe me. He sighed, shook his head while looking at me and turned around, to walk away without saying a single word. As soon as he turned around the corner, I faced Niall, who looked amused. "How could you?!" I screeched, my voice cracking mid sentence. "HOW COULD YOU?!" I grabbed his shoulders and shook him hard. He just laughed.

"Sorry lad", he simply grinned, "looks like your love story ends here." I was starting to hyper ventilate, thoughts rushing through my mind. "I need to get out of here," I muttered and stormed off. I ran in the same direction I'd seen Harry leave, hoping to find him and wanting to explain what happened so badly. How could Harry not have seen that he didn't want to be kissed? Did it really look that real to him? Or did he not want to be in a relationship anymore and just needed an excuse? Out of breath, I sat down on a bench near a bus stop. The sky was foggy and it was a dark day today. I zipped up my jacket, it was colder than expected.

My phone buzzed a couple times in my pocket. Mom. "Boobear, where are you? You've been gone for hours!" she sounded worried. "I'm sorry, I'll be home in a moment," I mumbled. "Be careful okay! I'm worried about you," she said, before she hung up. I stood up and stretched. I must've been sitting here for a while, because my joints made popping noises. I quickly found my way home.

Harry's pov.
We have been official for two seconds and Louis is already kissing another boy? A guy that I shouldn't have been worried about too. Why would he do this to me?! The images of Niall and my own boyfriend kissing can't seem to leave my head. As soon as I had turned the corner, I felt hot tears running down my cheeks. I wiped them angrily and ran home as fast as I could. I just took a detour, making sure Louis wouldn't find me easily.

When I got home, I ignored the worried look on my mother's face and went straight to my room. I slammed the door shut and let myself drop to the floor, sobbing. I pulled my hair, trying to ignore the aching pain in my heart, that felt like it was tearing apart.
My Lou, how could you do this to me? This morning had been so blissfully perfect. I caught myself smiling thinking about it. But it was a lie, I thought to myself and shook my head again. He kissed another guy, he doesn't love you anymore, he never wanted to be with you in the first place.
Once a cheater, always a cheater.
I balled my fists and felt pressure building up in my chest. I wanted to scream, I needed an outlet for all the anger I was feeling. Deep breaths, deep breaths. I let out a big sigh that I was unknowingly holding onto and stood up. I need a nap.

A few weeks later.
Louis keeps looking at me from across the classroom. I feel his stares burning into the side of my head, but I ignore them every time. I wonder if he noticed how bad he has made me feel. He doesn't seem to care. Every time he seems to move towards me, I quickly make my way into a bathroom, or talk to someone else. I'm just not ready to face him. I can barely sleep, I keep seeing him with Niall in my dreams. My hair has gotten longer and I choose to hide my face behind my curls. They almost reach my shoulders now.

I bit my nails as the maths teacher went on about whatever we weredoing in this class. I couldn't care less. My eyes were getting tired and the desk looked so very comfortable right now. No, I shouldn't sleep. I don't want detention. I chewed on my lip and looked at my hands. They've looked better, I've looked better. I look a wreck.

Finally, the bell rang. I packed my books and got up as quick as I could. After I put my books in my locker, I turned around and nearly jumped. Louis. He looked like he hasn't slept or eaten in days, yet so... beautiful. I felt my heart pounding in my chest. "What do you want?" I crossed my arms. "Can we please talk?" He locked his eyes with mine and I wished I could kiss him right here, right now, so damn bad. But he hurt me. He hurt me, he hurt me, he hurt me. "Fine," I sighed. A soft smile flashed across his face, as we madeour way to the exit. "My place?" Louis asked. I nodded and we made our way there.

I plopped down on the bean bag in Louis' room, as he sat down on the edge of his bed. There's an awkward, tense silence. "I missed you," he whispered. I lick my lips and fidget with my fingers. "Did you really?" my voice sounded harsh in the quiet room, and I kinda hated it. But maybe he deserved it. I looked up from my hands and faced Louis. He looked broken. Was it the guilt? "We both know you cheated on me," I mumbled quietly. I noticed Louis' eyes saddening. "Please believe me, Haz. I didn't, I could never cheat on you. You're worth too much to me to ever even consider doing such an awful thing," he said, he looked nervous and his chest was rising and falling quite fast.

"What about the kiss I so clearly saw? I know I wasn't hallucinating," I didn't want to get angry, I really didn't. "It wasn't what you think, Harry! He kissed me and I was so in shock that I just froze! Please please please please believe me," tears started rolling down his pretty face.

"So you're blaming Niall?"

"Why would I lie? Don't you remember that very morning? Our sweet morning together? I felt so at peace with you, I wanted it to never end. I really didn't. If I had known this would happen, I would have never gone to the restaurant with Niall, I never would have, Harry!" Louis cried. He hid his face in a pillow and continued sobbing. I felt my heart break a little more and I got up and walked over to him. I quietly sat down on the bed, next to Louis but still leaving a little space between us. I hesitated for a moment, but then put my hand on his shoulder. I felt my bottom lip quiver, and bit it hard to attempt to hold back the tears. Louis was still sobbing in his pillow.
"Louis" I whispered. I scooted a little closer and put my arm around his shoulder, pulling him closer to me. I couldn't tear my gaze away from him. Tears were quietly rolling down my face. "Louis, look at me," I whispered again. He just shook his head no.

"Louis, please," I pleaded.

His head slowly rose from the pillow and I handed him a tissue so he could blow his nose. He wiped his tears and finally faced me. His face flushed and his nose pink from crying, dark circles under his bloodshot eyes and I couldn't help but feel for him. I wiped his tearstained cheeks with my thumb and held his face in my hands.
"You really meant it right?" my voice barely louder than a whisper, and he nods. A small, hopeful smile formed on my face. "I'm sorry for storming off without giving you a chance to explain, boobear," the nickname rolling off my tongue too easily. I felt him relax in my hands and pulled him in for a comforting hug. "Thank you," I heard him whisper. I slowly rocked us back and forth. "Let's start over, yeah?" I smiled softly as we pulled back from the hug. He nodded and wiped his cheeks once more. I couldn't help myself and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek, hoping that was okay.
"I really really missed you, my Harry," he looked relieved and I smiled again. "I missed you too," I said and he kissed me.

Not me updating waywyaywyaywayywya waywaywaywaywaywaywayway WAYWYAYW WAAAY too late.
sorry this is pretty bad lmao
I hope you still enjoyed it.
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x itsniallerr

-January 2023

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