Part 2

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Louis also helped his mum in the house to earn some extra money to go shopping all by himself, wich he didn't tell anyone because he did not want to be called a maid in his new school.

When summer was over he would be in his new school,  he kept thinking about this all the time because of how anxious he is. One thing he is very proud of is that he and Liam were getting closer day by day, Liam would sometimes take him to his football practice and Louis would just be sitting there and he would admire everyone for their muscular bodies. He would just cover his body with a jacket or something because he was so insecure about his body. 

He and Liam would talk on their rides, and he already knows that Liams "best mate" is a boy called Zayn, but the way he talks about him makes Louis overthink the word "mate" he has never heard anyone talk about someone like Liam talks about Zayn, Liams cheeks blush and he'd get this look in his eyes. Louis has yet to figure out what that look means... Is Liam Payne gay? Is Liam Payne in love with this Zayn dude? 


Today was Louis first day of his new school, wich was actually uni, or college, he wasn't quite sure how they call it there so he decided to just call it school wich made most sense to him. Liams mum paid for Louis school bills, he's got a big dorm room with Liam and Zayn... yes Zayn... the mate.....

So as it is his first day he is packing the last boxes of stuff into their dorm, he hasn't met Zayn yet. They had the whole day of so they could unpack actually school starts tomorrow but he still calls it his first day because he can.... this is what he told his mum when she corrected him, she laughed gave him a big kiss on the cheek and let him free... not completely free because Louis had to promise to visit her as often as he can.

Right when he was putting his last book in his bookshelf he heard the door open, he ran to the door to see who it was. It was Liam, he started smiling at Louis and hugged him tight right when he saw a tall brunette boy with chocolate brown eyes and the most beautiful lashes he had ever seen. Liam introduced him to Louis with Zayn, and yes they both had those fireworks in their eyes when  they smiled at each other...

"Hey I am Louis, nice to meet you" he said very shyly and the boy started smirking, "Hey Lou, is it okay if I call you Lou? Liam has Tod me many things about you, he has said he doesn't know you that well yet but he thinks you are a really great guy and you would fit perfectly in our friend group, he said you are quite sassy when you're talking to your family but you are shy when meeting new people" he said and Louis had to smile because of how good Liam was at observing people " yea that's all right! I usually am quite sassy but it often gets mixed up with being rude so I try to be Nicer at first yk?" Zayn laughed and Liam came back from the bathroom he had just gone to 

"What are you two laughing about" he asks and Zayn hits him on the back with the words "I think I found a perfect new best mate, lets go unpack" Louis couldn't help but blush because the first time he ever felt appreciated for who he was and not the labels others give them.


The day went over quickly, at the end they found themselves sitting on the couch watching some film Louis couldn't really focus on because he was freezing. When Liam and Zayn noticed they told him to come sit in their middle and they would wrap a nice warm blanket around all of them. Louis for the first time in ever really felt protected by people who already call themselves his friends and who are not his mother or sister.

He was happy, so happy that he fell asleep right there, and when he woke up he was laying in his bed cuddled in 3 cozy blanket so he won't freeze... god he loves them already is all he could think about before he drifted back off to sleep.

The next morning when he woke up he heard the pan in the kitchen and he smelled fresh bacon and tea.

"Good morning sleepy" Liam said when he saw Louis in the doorframe.

he greeted back with the brightest smile he's ever had on, today was the first ever real school day for Louis... at least with the new mindset.

"Do you guys think the new people will like me?" Louis asked and Zayn looked at him with a weird face, "why wouldn't they? You're so funny, and I know you a day tommo" the way he's said that made Louis feel like a real person, he can't even describe the feelings he is feeling when they say nice things to him. he gets all wiggly and blushy if thats even a word.

"I am just scared that they're gonna bully me like everyone else did" Zayn looked sad, Louis remembered that he hadn't yet really told them about everything

"yk they used to bully me for my looks, when I wasn't living at the Payne mansion I did not have hot water or even clean water, I couldn't shower sometimes and I did not have clothes back then because my mum couldn't afford it, so I wore the same shirt over and over.  They all bullied me for looking different and sometimes they started waving their hands in front of their noses and  they called me stinky or whatever different names. I really hated it but I needed the education to maybe attend a good college one day, so I started Saving to maybe even come in. And now that we've met Liam and his family our lives have turned so well, and first I was scared that Liam might not like me or just bully me as well because I looked or maybe even smelled different."

"I would've never thought that,  I'm happy your family is happy now, I'm happy I found another best friend." Liam said and. all three of them hugged each other


thats where I am gonna end this chapter, I hope you guys liked it... please comment!!!

I really hope this. story doesn't grow boring,  in the next chapter Louis will have his first day at campus.... but will it turn out the way he wants it to?

idk let's see

btw Happy halloween!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2022 ⏰

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