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733 11 44

Scary_Day x Male!Reader ⚠︎

Heavy gore, smut+some gorey kinks

Dub-Con??(I am unsure if I should use this or not, but just incase...)

This is an AU based off of "Bunker Z"

There are some spoilers in here for Scary_day himself, so I suggest reading about it first. A book here on Wattpad I can suggest is "operative stuff by : paperless1"

Requested by : _StaleWater_



Waking up in your tent, you find yourself alone. You sat up and scanned the tent, looking for the person who was sharing the space with you. With no sight of them, you threw on some clothes, unzipped the tent, and crawled out. You let out a whistle, sharp and loud, to try and get anyone's attention. What the fuck. You looked around the site, the tents being empty besides their sleeping bags and a broken lantern. No food, no water, no nothing. They stole everything! Fuckin' bastards!

You climbed back into your own tent and checked your bag for anything. You had some food left. And by some, I mean a single apple. Your book and map were still there though, which is a massive relief. It was still annoying though.

Still upset, you grabbed whatever you deemed salvageable and stuffed it into your bag. You pulled out your map and followed the beaten path before you. "Here we go..." you muttered, checking the map every few seconds to make sure you knew where you were.

Continuing for what felt like hours and hours of walking, you finally meet a dead end. Well, more like a large metal door on the side of a mountain, but it still works.

A large green circle was engraved in the door, some of the paint dried in a dripping manner. Huh.

You walked up to it, softly knocking, then knocking a bit harder. And then you slammed your fist upon it. Waiting for a bit and when there was no response, you decided it was abandoned.

... Huh.

That's all that went through your mind and you grabbed what seemed like a handle for the door. You pulled the door with your mind, cursing when the damned thing wouldn't open. You then realized, what if it's push? You then tried your theory, getting proved correct.

How irritating. You probably looked like a damn fool in front of no one in particular. Probably embarrassing for the trees to witness alone through.

You walked into the darkness, barely even thinking about a light source and more curious about the ruins of this place. You used your hand to feel where you were. The walls were wet, but cold. Rough. Assuming it's rock or concrete, since you are in the side of a mountain.

It wasn't until you hit your hip on the corner of a table that made you re-think your light situation. You hissed at the impact, your face twisting in pain. You dug around in your bag and found a lighter. That could've been useful just a second ago... Oh well.

You lit up the spark, making a small flame appear. It was a.... decent light source. It only lit up a small amount of your surroundings but was decent enough for you to see.

You looked around, waving the lighter in the direction you wanted to look in. You saw the supposed table you hit your side on, kicking it afterward. Stupid fucking table. You looked to see what was on top, giving a soft gasp when you saw a human skull surrounded by blood.

What sick shit is this?

You looked onto the floor, then at the beds in the room. There was blood everywhere, even on the ceiling. You moved your hand up at the ceiling, hoping to get a good look at where exactly it came from. Following the smear up, then down a wall, then down to the floor and dragged out of the door you just walked through.

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