Chapter 5 - The choice and breaking the curse

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-Lumine POV-

As soon as I reached the house I walked in made my way to my temporary room and collapsed onto the bed. Oh this feels nice. Now go to sleep. I got under the covers and let the sleep take me. Then opened my eyes. And found myself in an old looking room with 3 huge doors and a single ball of light in front of me. It then spoke.

BoL: Well hello. I didn't think that someone would finally gather the first 3 fragments.

Lumine: Where are we? And who are you?

BoL: Who am I? I am simply a guide. For where we are? Well, we're in your soul. Well, in part of it. You see, as soon as you found those tablets this place was created inside your soul to see if you're worthy enough to get the 4th fragment.

Lumine: What will happen if I'm not?

BoL: Something really unpleasant. Now then shall we begin?

Lumine: Wait, I have another question.

BoL: Ask away then.

Lumine: The 4th tablet. It described this place, right?

BoL: Why of course.

Lumine: Just wanted to make sure.

BoL: Now let's start. Behind these 3 doors there are 3 things. For you to pass you'll have to choose the right one. Let's start shall we? Behind the first door we have an unlimited amount of riches.

The door to the right opened and when I looked inside I could see huge mountains of Mora and Primogems.

BoL: Behind the second door, we have something you desire deeply. A chance to reunite with your brother.

The door on the left opened and I saw an image of Aether offering his hand to me.

BoL: While behind the third door, we have a cursed being. Someone, who's been trapped like that for a long time.

The third door opened and I saw a man in armor siting on the ground and in his hand was a small ball made out of stone. What concerned me however is that he was made out of stone as well.

Lumine: Was he-

BoL: Turned to stone and left like that? Yes. Now, please make your choice.

Damn it. On one hand I could get the riches like my greed is telling me. On the other hand I could finally reunite with Aether. And then there's this mysterious man.

Lumine: I've made my choice.

BoL: Let's hear it then.

Lumine: I choose the middle door.

BoL: And why is that? Do tell.

Lumine: Well, I thought about taking the riches but I already have more than enough money and I can get primogems with enough time. Then I could go to my brother but I know that I will find him sooner or later and get my answers, so again I'll just have to wait. So I choose to save that man. I don't know what he did, but I feel that he didn't deserve to be cursed in such way.

The 2 other doors then closed and the ball started to laugh a little.

BoL: You've made the right choice. The door on left was a lie. The door on the right was to test your greed. The middle one was the right choice. Now go, wake up. The fragment will be next to you when you wake up.

And as he said that I found myself laying on my bed but with the last fragment next to me. I then brought out all of the fragments and put them next to each other and they started to glow. They I got a notification.

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