A shocking discovery

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The sound of your alarm pierced through your ears, waking you up instantly. Initially, you yawned and wondered why you had set an alarm for... 4:45am?! Ohhh, the ritual! How could i forget?

You got up from your bed and stretched, ready to go take a quick shower.

————Time skip to after shower————

You wrapped a towel around yourself and rubbed your eyes again. You were probably just seeing things because you were tired, but you swore your skin looked different. Like a pale grey colour? And even stranger, you thought you felt a lump on your lower back? Whatever. It's just because i'm tired.

You slid on your dress and found a pair of old but relatively unused black, knee high boots to wear. You walked over to the mirror and wiped off the steam, clearing it so you could see how you looked. But instead of your face looking back at you, you saw what you can only describe as a... ghoul. Your skin was grey, and you had...

"HORNS?! TAIL?! AHHHHH!" You screamed out loud enough to wake up the whole street.

Without fail, the sound of your mum walking towards the bathroom to shout at you for making so much noise this early could be heard.


You panicked and slammed the door shut, but not in time. Your mum had jammed her foot in between the door and the frame, and she started pushing the door open against your force leaning back on it.

"Y/N?! What the hell are you doing up this early?!"She pryed the door open, overpowering you.

What happened next was a mess. Your mum went so pale that it looked like the blood had left her body. She screamed at the top of her lungs, calling you a demon, dashing to her room to get away from you.

She returned not even a minute later with your dad and a broom, which she was waving aggressively in your face.


"Have you considered that these may be props..? For her concert?" Your dad said, completely calm.

Why hadn't i though to say that?!

"Uh yeah... these are just props!" You said, trying to sound enthusiastic.

"See? Come on, you didn't really think that Y/N had transformed into a devil or something, did you?" Your dad laughed at your mum, who stormed off angrily.

There is no way i can stay here like... this. I can't hide it forever and my mum will kick me out, at the very least. But what am i? Who am i kidding?! Im a ghoulette! But how is this even possible?!

Grabbing a piece of paper and a pen, you wrote a not to your dad saying that you were going to stay at your friends house for a while. Obviously, that was a lie. You then grabbed a small suitcase and packed some clothes, your phone charger, keys and other essentials before bounding outside to your car and throwing your stuff into the back seat. You were leaving. You couldn't stay like this. No way.

What am i going to do?!

Suddenly, your eyes fell on your ghost ticket. Ghost. They could help you- Surely? Ever since you had listened to them, you had researched what ghouls were, wether they were real (which they were, but incredibly rare) and you were certain that they were ghouls. The outfits they wore were perfectly designed to hide it from the fans, but still fit with their theme.

————Time skip to the ritual————

Standing in line i earnt a few compliments on how realistic my 'outfit' was. I just had to smile and thank them, and return a compliment.

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